Call for Proposals

CSSC invites your paper and panel submissions. Panel submissions can be considered, upon request, for special lunch sessions that highlight outstanding work in the field and/or Campus Culture Series.

Priority Submission Deadline: March 22nd

Final Deadline: May 17th

Submissions are invited for the following strands:

Curriculum Dialogues (CD)

This strand is designed to promote the sometimes difficult, but necessary, dialogue that must take place in order to expand, complicate, and articulate the field of curriculum in theory and practice. Sessions are structured as 15-20 minute paper or panelist presentations followed by a period of discussion. We seek submissions for papers and panels that highlight current issues and ideas and inspire both theoretical and practical work.

Pushing Methodological Boundaries (PMB)

This strand is idea invites completed and/or published work as well as performances and exhibits that push the boundaries of current “accepted” humanistic and human science methodological models. In order to provide insight into the intricacies of methodological discussions, presenters are asked to explicitly discuss the context in which the work emerged and the process through which alternative models were developed.

Works-In-Progress (WIP)

In this strand, we invite the submission of emerging work that will contribute to productive “working” sessions focused on collaboration and mutual development. Each session is assigned a discussant to review the submissions prior to the conference and lead the conversation with participants and audience members about the presented pieces. This strand is designed to provide safe spaces for initial presentations, student work, hunches, and newly developed intuitions on the part of researchers, as well as opportunities to conduct the work of the field during the conference.

The Emergent Scholar (TES)

If you have expertise and insight to share with graduate students, practitioners, and early career faculty we invite you to propose sessions on topics that are pertinent to the development and ongoing enrichment of academic work. These sessions should be structured as discussions that are both informative and interactive.

We hope that you will join us for our annual conference, and we look forward to receiving your submissions! Submit your proposals at: We look forward to receiving your submissions, and hope you will make plans to join us in Savannah. Please contact us with any questions about the conference and/or the submission process.

Campus Culture in the Era of Hate Special Series (CC)

This year we want to highlight sessions that focus on the up rise of intolerance on campuses. There was a book burning on Georgia Southern University’s campus and Syracuse University is having a series of issues, as well. These are notable examples of a trend we are experiencing as hate is becoming mainstream and an acceptable form of discourse. Of course, there have also been accusations that campuses are leftist bastions of intolerance as students and faculty try to speak out against hate speech and create environments where all feel comfortable. We would like to highlight works that reflect, provoke, and provide insight on this campus dynamic.

Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative Proposal