Bio: Vienna Cragin is a 19 year old writer from Gwinnett County, Georgia. She is a sophomore at Georgia Southern University studying Writing and Linguistics with a minor in German. Vienna loves storytelling whether it is acting on stage, writing scripts for the screen, or pouring her heart out on paper. Her dream is to become a bestselling author and teach English as a foriegn language abroad. Her favorite pastime is split between traveling and buying a copious amount of books.

Artist Statement: "Burning Butterflies" is a poem that is falling apart at the seams. Life felt the same way when I wrote it. As I sat in a hell of my own making, I got to watch someone I cared about heal. It is a bitter sweet kind of pride you get when you watch someone you broke come out better on the other side. This piece comes from my heart and the fact that other people connected with it, makes me so overjoyed and comforted. I’m so honored to have won this award and will forever be grateful.