Info from the Nurse

Just a reminder to send in copies of your child's most recent physical.  Physicals are valid for 13 months from the date of the last physical.  Please contact me to drop off any medications: Inhalers, Epi-Pens, ADHD meds etc.  Don't hesitate to let me know of any health care needs for your child should they arise. 

 PHYSICALS: All 7th and 10th graders are required to submit an updated physical.  Students in other grades are encouraged to submit updated physicals as well.

MEDICATION:  Please contact the nurse to schedule medication drop off with completed Dr's orders forms including Inhalers, Epi Pens and any other medications. Forms can be found here: Medication Physician Order & Parental Consent Form

QUESTIONS:  Any Medical Questions- please contact the school nurse Heather Shupenko  (978)352-5790 x 2

As always if your child is feeling unwell please keep them home.  While restrictions have lessened we are still seeing some Covid cases.  If your child has any symptoms (congestion or runny nose, cough, fatigue, headache, stomachache or fever) please test your child before sending them to school.  If your child develops symptoms during school we will call you and ask about testing.  We will only test your child with your consent. 

Masks are not required in school (except for in the health office for those feeling unwell).  We have masks that we can provide. 

If your child tests positive for either flu or covid please inform your school nurse.  It is very helpful information. 

Below see the Guidance put out by DESE relating to Covid 

Guidance for Children and Staff in Child Care, K-12

● Quarantine is no longer required nor recommended for children or staff in these

settings, regardless of vaccination status or where the exposure occurred. All exposed

individuals may continue to attend programming as long as they remain

asymptomatic. Those who can mask should do so until Day 10, and it is recommended

that they test on Day 6 of exposure. If symptoms develop, follow the guidance for

symptomatic individuals, below.

● Children and staff who test positive must isolate for at least 5 days. If they are

asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and they have been fever free without the

use of fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours, they may return to programming after

Day 5 and should wear a high-quality mask through Day 10:

○ If the individual is able to mask, they must do so through Day 10.

■ If the child has a negative test on Day 5 or later, they do not need to


■ If the individual is unable to mask, they may return to

programming with a negative test on Day 5 or later.

● Symptomatic individuals can remain in their school or program if they have mild

symptoms are tested immediately onsite, and that test is negative. Best practice would

also include wearing a mask, if possible, until symptoms are fully resolved. For

symptomatic individuals, DPH recommends a second test within 48 hours if the initial

test is negative.

Please always feel free to call your school nurses for clarification!