Poster Guidelines

Please have your posters on display at the beginning of the conference (7-8 am on Thursday, Sept 12, 2019). The poster sessions will be two 45-minute blocks consisting of up to 15 posters in each group. This should give you ample time for discussions. Having two blocks allows you to engage with colleagues in another group of interest.

We will take photos of every poster to help our judges determine the best poster presentation prize. The photos will also become part of the archive of our 1st conference.

And remember, there is a prize for the best poster!

Poster Guidelines

  • Our poster boards accommodate poster sizes up to A0 (4x6 ft) in portrait format. In preparing your poster consider the following points as applicable to your presentation. Ideal size for a poster is 36x48 inches (3ftx4ft).
  • Consider the key messages of your work - space is at a premium, so is readability from 1.5 m (5 ft) distance
  • Use pictures if possible, remember a picture is worth a 1,000 words
  • Highlight how your work contributes to the "imperative" in the conference theme
  • Prepare a 1-minute "elevator speech" for your poster, it will give the introduction to your moderated discussion with the audience
  • If possible bring along some handouts of your poster
36x48 horizontal poster session Template.ppt