
This course is taught in Python 3 with a shared environment. All homework must run in this environment.

Your final project may include more (documented) dependencies.


PyCharm is an interactive development environment (IDE) that helps write and debug Python code. You may prefer a different IDE at home, or even no IDE, but we will use this one in class.


Anaconda is a Python distribution that makes it easy to install the scientific libraries we need. We will create a class environment with a standardized set of libraries. Having segregated environments ensures that your project has only the dependencies you think it has. For example, your system Python might be version 2. Replacing python with Python 3 could cause unexpected consequences, but it is safe to create an Anaconda environment with Python 3 and activate it to do our coursework.


The libraries used in this course are:

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • nltk
  • gensim
  • matplotlib
  • pandas


Unix is a development standard. If you already have a linux or Mac machine or VM, you are set. Windows' command prompt is different.

If you will use a Windows machine, I recommend Cygwin.