Questions? Contact Erin Fell at



Hi everyone,

🌐 Dreaming of showcasing your research at top-notch linguistics conferences? Look no further! 🌐

Join us for the first workshop of the semester where we'll unravel the secrets to conference acceptance and participation across diverse linguistics concentrations! 

From having an overview of common conferences in your area to exploring opportunities for travel grant applications, from crafting compelling abstracts to mastering the art of effective proposals, we've got you covered. 

We are also lucky to have panelists from each concentration to share their experience!

The workshop will conclude with some "application" time after the presentation and the panel discussion, where you can do some goal-setting or work on your own conferencing plans and get feedback from our panelists!

Join us on Friday, February 19th @ 1:00–2:30pm in PH #230!

See you there! 🎉

Janet Liu


💻 CLI:
Janet Liu (Me!)

🗣️ SLI:
Hannah Williams

Zhuosi Luo


Hi everyone,

It's time to refresh your resumés, LinkedIn profiles, CVs, and websites!

Join us for a Double-Event, Career Development Day NEXT Friday, Feb. 23rd! 🙌 Immediately following the Dept. Friday Speaker Series Career Talk with Dr. Daniel Ginsberg, carry your career-development inspiration into our Friday evening workshop and join GLSA for (1) a quick “tour” of Georgetown Linguistics graduate students’ websites (e.g., Google Sites, Squarespace, WordPress, GitHub) according to a variety of price plans (free↔paid), as well as the pros and cons of each, (2) their current career goals, and (3) their tips and tricks on curating online materials that reflect their professional brands. For the rest of the workshop, you’ll set and accomplish goals for elevating your own professional materials, working independently on updating your platforms, all with opportunities for peer discussion, feedback, and support. 💻📱🧑‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻 

Bring your laptops and prepare to dedicate an evening (with beverages, charcuterie, light music, community, and inspiration!) to strategizing and updating your online professional presence. We also want to give a huge thank you to Dr. Alex Johnston, Director of the Master’s Program and Organizer of the Friday Speaker Series (and former GLSA President 😉✨), for supporting this professional development workshop—both in sharing the costs of this workshop and curating invaluable resources for attendees, courtesy of some student requests from the RSVP submissions!

Attend the Friday Speaker Series Career Talk from 3:30– 4:45pm and then join us right after for an evening of "Wine & Websites, Charcuterie & CVs" on (NEXT) Friday, February 23rd @ 5:00–7:00pm in PH #230

RSVP right now, if you haven’t already. 😉 See you there!! 


Kris Cook



Hello everyone,    

My name is Olivia Luedke, and I am a senior undergraduate student majoring in Linguistics and studying pre-med and Chinese on the side.  

I will be providing an introduction to the coding software MAXQDA, a useful tool for qualitative and mixed-methods data analysis. This session is designed both for those familiar with thematic coding and those who are interested in learning more about this method of data analysis.  

We will cover the basics of MAXQDA, including uploading your data, creating a coding scheme, coding and annotating data, and using various features to visualize your data.   


Olivia Luedke



Hi everyone,

Gone are the days of creating slides-as-script presentations! 

Join us for a discussion of how to use visualizations in your slides to reiterate and support your arguments in conference presentations

We will practice transforming dense slides filled with text into impactful visuals that hone, not dilute, the academic rigor of your work. 

See you then!



FALL 2023


Hello, hello!

Dive into the world of linguistic research with human subjects with our student-led workshop, "You, me, and the IRB." 

Ever wondered how to conduct cool research while dealing with the IRB process? We've got you covered! 

Join Erin and GLSA for a casual and insightful session where we spill the beans on navigating the Institutional Review Board. Learn practical tips and tricks from fellow students so you can confidently pursue linguistic research involving people. Whether you're a newbie or a research pro, this workshop is your ticket to exciting and ethical studies in linguistics. 

Hope to see you there!





Hi everyone,

Matthew Hewett and I, Zhuosi Luo, hope you enjoyed the Intro to LaTex workshop with Dan! On October 6th, we will host another LaTeX workshop to help you further familiarize yourself with some packages commonly used in linguistics studies. 

First, a few words about who we are. Matt (website) is a post-doctoral fellow in the linguistics department working with Professor Ruth Kramer. He holds a PhD in Linguistics from The University of Chicago. His research reevaluates the nature of syntactic and morphological dependencies. Some of his research interests include: resumptivity and Ā-dependencies, (l-)selection, passives, and postsyntactic morphology (including especially morpheme displacement). Matt specializes in Semitic languages, including especially spoken Arabic varieties and Hebrew. I (Zhuosi) (website) am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Theoretical linguistics and Cognitive Science at Georgetown. My research focuses on the division of labor between (morpho)syntax and semantics. I mainly work on verbs (argument/event structure, causative, causality and modality, argument interpretation) and adjectives (vagueness, comparison class and degree semantics).

Our workshop next week is aimed at preparing linguistics students with some commonly-used LaTex skills. Such skills will be useful for formatting writings about syntax and semantics analysis. Applications of such skills include but are not limited to writing course assignments, conference abstracts/handouts/slides, proceeding papers and journal papers. It would be nice if you could email us to let us know if you have specific questions about how to do particular things (e.g., with syntactic trees), so that we can prepare to address those specific concerns. Here are some example questions: 

"Are there particular things you'd like to know about drawing trees in LaTeX, including but not limited to labeling nodes, drawing boxes around nodes, drawing arrows, drawing multidominant structures (i.e. trees with more than one root node), adjusting the separation between sisters and daughters?", or 

"Are there particular things you'd like to know about formatting linguistic examples (glossed or otherwise), including but not limited to drawing arrows in glossed examples and drawing nodes or other decorations around the text?".

Hope to see you there!


Matt & Zhuosi



Hi everyone,

My name is Dan DeGenero, and I’m a first-year master’s student in Computational Linguistics. I specialize in computational sociolinguistics, models of language change and variation, low-resource languages and varieties, and AI ethics.

Next Friday, I’ll be hosting a workshop to help you elevate your papers to an even higher level of professionalism. 

This workshop will cover the basics of LaTeX, a document typesetting system used widely in academia to format scholarly work as well as education materials. Proficiency in LaTeX is a great skill to bring to any research setting! 

Join us for a foundational introduction, a Q&A session, and some hands-on practice.

Hope to see you there!

Dan DeGenero



Not sure what academic publishing looks like behind the scenes? Come check out this workshop with Erin, long-time Editorial Assistant with the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics as she breaks down the process of publishing, common pitfalls in the review process, and ways to boost your work's visibility!
