
Mailing List

Pre-registration is now closed. But if you want to receive the latest news about the shared task, please subscribe to our google group:


We invite researchers interested in participating in one or more tasks to pre-register using the following form:

Pre-registration is not a requirement for participation, but to better organize our planning, we ask interested teams to respond by March 15; pre-registered teams will also receive e-mail updates whenever new data is made available for the shared task (training, development, and test data later on).


DISRPT 2021 will be held in conjunction with CODI at EMNLP 2021 in the Dominican Republic and Online. Thus, please register for EMNLP 2021 in order to attend DISRPT 2021. You can find more information (registration fees, visa, cancellation policy etc.) and register here. Depending on whether you will be attending virtually or in-person, you will be prompted to a corresponding form upon registration.