Our goal is to ensure as many states as possible can participate in Data Labs. Here is a list of common questions you may have. Contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu if you need additional assistance. We are here to help!


Why should I participate?

So many reasons! But here are a few:

Is there funding available?

We do not provide private funding for state projects. The Treasury Department has authorized states to use ARP funding to strengthen government technology, data, and service delivery. Through participation in the program, we will help you consider ways to strategically invest those funds. 

For specific language related to use of funds, see the Interim Final Rule.

What is the time commitment?

Data Labs is an eight month program that runs from April to November 2024.

We anticipate you will spend one to two hours per week on scheduled weekly programming. This estimate does not include any individual work you may need to do outside of regularly scheduled events, such as conducting a data audit or meeting with a legal representative.

What is my team expected to accomplish at the end of the eight month program?

We realize data sharing projects take time. We do not expect teams to launch a data sharing project from start to finish in only eight months! 

By the end of the program, states will be expected to complete a draft of an action plan to support long-term implementation of their data project and a deliverable [IY: See action plan / deliverable comments Vinith made on About page] to support near-term efforts after the program ends. Each state's action plan and deliverable are unique. Examples of deliverables that states have produced in the past include: project plans, playbooks, pitch presentations, research briefs, and policy memos with data evidence.


How do I know if my state is a good fit?

If your state team would benefit from learning best practices for solving problems using data, having a comprehensive understanding of your data assets, establishing robust governance practices and culture, and/or building relationships with data and policy experts, then this program is for you! 

Still not sure if you should apply? Contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu.

My state or agency doesn't have a chief data officer (CDO). Can I still apply? Who should lead my team?

Yes! We recommend selecting a team lead with a mix of technical and analytical skills who can support interagency data coordination. This person may be a data administrator or coordinator, data manager, or analytics director. General information on the role of a CDO is available here. Participation in this program may elevate the need to establish a CDO position.

Need additional assistance? Contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu. We are happy to help you both identify the right representative to participate in this program and advocate for establishing a CDO role in your state.

Who should be on my project team?

A diversity of voices, skills, and experiences can lead to project breakthroughs and innovative interventions. We suggest your team includes a diverse mix of policy and data experts, along with decision makers and implementers. 

Some potential project team roles might include:

Additional participants may be brought in at your discretion to participate at various points in the program, such as data stewards and other agency representatives.

We understand that identifying appropriate team members will depend on which cohort your state participates in, so we do not expect you to have your team finalized at the time of application. For the sake of this application and program planning, please name the key team members who could potentially make up your state team. 

Need help recruiting your team? Contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu.

Do I need to have a data project already planned?

No. The program will start with refining your problem statement and scoping your project. If you are already working on a project that would benefit from the extra support provided by this program, that works too.

This program can help you scope and launch a brand new project or build momentum for a project that has already been developed.

Proposal PROCESS

When is the proposal due? When will I find out if I’ve been selected?

The proposal deadline has been extended to Friday, March 29. We will notify states by Friday, April 5.

Who should complete the proposal?

Any member of your team. We anticipate that teams may want to identify a lead who will serve as the primary point of contact throughout the program. This person is likely best suited to complete the proposal.

How many cohorts can I select?

Each proposal will only be considered for one cohort. Please select the issue area that most closely aligns with your project proposal. 

Our team may propose moving your project into a cohort that differs from your original selection, depending on our understanding of your project scope and space available.

Do I need sign-off from my governor?

Yes. States must secure a statement of support that demonstrates a commitment to participating in and completing the program in its entirety. We believe the strongest demonstrations of commitment will come from the governor’s office. 

While statements of support do not have to be submitted at the time of application, we ask that you send them to us by the time the program launches. 

If you do not have a connection in the governor’s office or need assistance securing this documentation, please contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu. We are happy to help.

Can I edit my proposal once it is submitted?

No. If you would like to provide additional information, or if something has changed, please contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu.


Our goal is to ensure as many states as possible can submit a proposal. We are happy to work with you to put together a strong project proposal, get in touch with another agency, and/or develop a robust project plan. 

For more information, contact us at datalabs@georgetown.edu.

About the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation

The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University reimagines systems for public impact using design, data, and technology. Our projects test new ways for public and private institutions to leverage data and analytics, digital technologies, and service design to help more people.


Founded in 1908, the National Governors Association (NGA) is the bipartisan organization of the nation’s 55 Governors. Through NGA, Governors share best practices, address issues of national and state interest and share innovative solutions that improve state government and support the principles of federalism.