About Mrs. Stratman

My name is Sheri Stratman. I grew up in rural Boyden and moved to Little Rock after I got married in 1989. From 1989-2000 I taught music in both public and private schools. I took a little time off to take care of my older children and then attended NCC and obtained an Associates Degree in Nursing. I worked for 12 years as an RN at the Orange City Area Health Center in Orange City Iowa on the hospital floor.

In 2013 I reduced my hours at the hospital, and after slowing down for a year, returned to the classroom as a substitute teacher for George-Little Rock. I realized how much I missed the classroom, so I worked toward getting my Family and Consumer Science endorsement and was very excited to be hired in 2017 in that capacity.

I have 4 children. Jacob is 26 and farms near Little Rock. Mary is 23 and is a cosmetologist and a manager at Boot Barn in Sioux Falls. Emma is a Senior at G-LR, and Gretchen is in the 6th grade. We moved into our new house in George in 2018.