24-7 Virtual Prayer Furnace

Virtual Prayer Furnace

The World has changed , and so has the way Christians connect with each other. The use of Technology has made a way for anyone to be anywhere and connect with each other. In 2019 God spoke to the Generation Fire Team that he was calling for a place that would be open 24-7 that would be like a Virtual Campfire. Anyone could join from anywhere around the world. By sending a link people can join a Virtual space where they can join in prayer, read scripture , share a testimony , or share a song , or in might be a vision or prophecy.

Training is provided for those wanting to lead prayer. We suggest to download the Google Meet App , We also suggest you nominate one person to be a tech person to help you be ready to lead your set. Google Meet can be used on any device , you can also set up a room your in your church. Test the audio and video before you join your session. Our team will be available to any help needed. A Facebook Group will be available , also we have groups on Telegram and Signal for communication.

Enter you name on the day or Time Slot your group would like to lead.

24-7 Virtual Hub/ Campfire/Prayer Furnace

We do ask that you agree to the Guidelines and Values for this Prayer Space before joining

Guidelines for Online Meetings