First Impressions
First Impressions
Welcome to First Impressions - my very own podcast, season 2 is out now!
Season 1 Transcripts
Season 1 Transcripts
Thierry Episode 001 Transcript.docx
001 - Thierry Ngutegure
001 - Thierry Ngutegure
"2020 Saved Me"
Jessie Episode 002 Transcript.docx
002 - Jessie Longhurst
002 - Jessie Longhurst
"Please don't tell HR!"
Anamik Episode.docx
003 - Dr Anamik Saha
003 - Dr Anamik Saha
"ding ding ding we got 12 percent diversity!"
Conor Episode 004 Transcript.docx
004 - Conor Bannister
004 - Conor Bannister
"I feel like a completely different person"
Helena Episode 005 Transcript.docx
005 - Helena Webb
005 - Helena Webb
Being turbulent and feeling everything
Jennie Episode 006 Transcript.docx
006 - Jennie Berry
006 - Jennie Berry
"A man once gave me a fiver"
EXTRA 007 Transcript.docx
007 - EXTRA
007 - EXTRA
Introvert vs Extrovert with BrainDump