Important Announcements

Grade 6-9 END of TERM Assesments 


Term 2 ECAs


RISC Competition 2024 

We are happy to inform you about a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their innovative and sustainable ideas at the Ras Al Khaimah Innovation and Sustainability Challenge (RISC) 2024.


The attached PowerPoint presentation contains comprehensive information about the competition, including details about various categories and the enticing cash prizes. We encourage you to review the presentation with your child to help them make an informed decision.


If your child is interested in participating, kindly ensure they submit their names tomorrow for registration.

RISC 2024.pdf

Fortinet certificate installation guide

Please find the  documents and the certificate  for installing the Fortinet certificate in student devices .

Browsing and other apps  will be enabled in school wifi only after the certificate has been installed . Please find the below link for the documents.

Uniform Policy

Dear Parent,

            As a school, we always insist on students being well-dressed and presentable. A uniform is what makes it happen. Attached is our School’s Uniform Policy. The steps taken for not complying to the uniform policy is also stated in the attached document.


            At WSR, we try to bring in integrity and consistency in everything we do. This will make our students understand the expectations with in the school and prepare them better for the outside world.


            We request your kind support and cooperation for the same.

GEMS WSR Uniform Policy.pdf