Grade 9


Summary of learning - EFL - Students are becoming familiar with the specification for both IGCSE English Language and IGCSE English Literature. They have also looked at descriptive writing. ESL - Students worked on oracy and introducing themselves, they have worked on the features of narrative writing. The use of figurative language and sensory language being important.

All students must now have access to their google classroom to look over the work carried out in lesson.


Summary of learning: Students were able to recognise quadratic function ,draw quadratic and use quadratic graphs to solve quadratic equations.

Task to be completed: Students are expected to solve the differentiated task embedded in the PPT



Summary of learning: This week in biology students were reintroduced to iGCSE biology, the course structure, components and assessments. Students also discussed what they would be learning this academic year. Students then began to explore transport in plants including the concept of osmosis and the xylem and phloem vessels (textbook pages 152-153 and 160).

Video link to support learning:

Task to be completed: For their homework this week students should complete questions 2, 3 and 6 on pages 164-165 of their textbook. Students should complete these questions in their notebook, take a photo of these and share them with their biology teacher on the assignment created within their biology Google Classroom.


Summary of learning: This week in chemistry students were reintroduced to iGCSE chemistry, the course structure, components and assessments. Students also discussed what they would be learning this academic year. Students then began to explore the periodic table and group 1 alkali metals including the chemical and physical trends of the elements in this group (textbook pages 123-125).

Video link to support learning:

Task to be completed: For their homework this week students should read the information about alkali metals on the link below and then complete the quick test. Students should submit a screenshot of their test result to the assignment within their chemistry Google Classroom.


Summary of learning: This week in physics students were reintroduced to iGCSE physics, the course structure, components and assessments. Students also discussed what they would be learning this academic year. Students were then introduced to the formula linking density, mass and volume (textbook pages 172-174).

Video link to support learning:

Task to be completed: For their homework this week students should complete the density calculations shared with them on their physics Google Classroom in their notebook. Students should take a photo of their work and share this with their physics teacher on the assignment created within their physics Google Classroom.



· Differentiate the different layers of web designing.

· Apply the basic tags in an HTML webpage.

Resources to access:


Students revised the topics that was covered in G8.

Students were asked to recall on different type of businesses.

Teacher and students had a discussion on baseline topics.

Islamic Studies

Islamic B

Topic: In the Holy Presence of Allah, His Messenger and the Ruler, Surah Al-Hujurat verses 1-13.

Recite the Verses observing the rules of recitation.

Explain the general meaning of verses of surah Al-Hujurat.

Apply the values and principles embedded in Quranic verses.

Analyze the importance of relationship of reconciliation with security and peace.

Complete the assigned tasks in the Google Classroom

Islamic A

Summary of learning

- درس مع الله ورسوله وولي الأمر، سورة الحجرات.

-تعلم الطلاب في الصف التاسع أن:

1 أن يتلوا الآيات الكريمة تلاوة مجودة.

2- أن يشرحوا المعنى الإجمالي للآيات.

3-أن يبينوا المواقف الواردة في الآيات.

Tasks to be completed

-كتابة الآيات الكريمة وحفظها


Arabic A

Summary of learning

عنوان الدرس:

-شعر : غدوتك مولودًا

لأميّة بن أبي الصّلت

Tasks to be completed

من خلال دراستك للحديث الشريف (لا تغضب)

اكتب عن أثر الغضب على الفرد والمجتمع ،وكيف يتحكم الإنسان في غضبه.

Arabic B



memorize new words

Social A

Summary of learning

الوحدة الاولى

الدرس الاول :- موقع الوطن العربي وأهميته

Tasks to be completed


الهدف الاول:- ان يميز الطالب المفاهيم والمصطلحات الواردة في الدرس

الهدف الثاني :- ان يحدد الطالب على خريطة صماء للوطن العربي الموقع الجغرافي للوطن العربي

الاساليب التعليمية :- اوراق عمل الكترونية – كاهوت – شرح الدرس على بوربوينت –خريطة صماء للوطن العربي


Students' prior knowledge was tested and revised some key words covered in grade 8. Students completed activity 1 from the chapter economic problem and discussed the case study on the resources and needs. Students were able to draw the flow chart stating the 3 questions arising from the definition of economic problem.