Endangered: Red Pandas

What are they?

Red Pandas is a red cat-bear like mammal which has reddish fur, and a long bushy tail. They have short arms and legs. They are great climbers and hang around trees most of the time. They are omnivores, their diet is plants and bamboo, but if they need to, they may eat small insects. Being the primary consumer of the food web, they provide good population control for bamboo and snow leopards. They are native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.

What is the issue

For the past 20 years, the red panda population has decreased by 50% there are now only 10,000 individuals around the world. We need act now or else in the near future they will be extinct, leaving their ecosystems food web really affected, snow leopards will have less food sources and bamboo might harmfully increase much more.

Human activity is the biggest reason for their population decrease. Deforestation has really harmed a lot of the red panda's food sources and home, young red panda infants are really vulnerable to these activities. Deforestation will also cause separation between specific breeds, and will force two unlike red pandas to breed with each other which then leads to bad health and maybe death.

It's not only deforestation, hunting is also involved. Poaching Red Pandas for their fur, capturing red pandas and selling them are all illegal. Some cases can be even accidental, people put traps for catching food animals and might catch an red panda which will be very injured and cause death.

Not only is Deforestation affecting Red Pandas, it is also affecting many other animals and the environment. Trees are vital for almost all living things on earth, cutting down trees will result in decrease of oxygen in the environment

Current situation

75% of red panda's habitat is in Sikkim, Eastern Himalayas. Due to poverty, villagers around their habitat can't survive without forest resources. WWF is helping community in Sikkim to protect forests and ensure the safe environment for Red Pandas. WWF and its wildlife adaptation Innovation Fund are working on

  1. Improved cookstoves, reduce fuel by 35

  2. Teach sustainable harvest of forest products.

  3. Management to reduce the risk of forest fires