University of Eastern Finland

School of Forest Sciences

University of Eastern Finland

School of Forest Sciences

Measuring the amount of carbon bound to wood.

One of the main reasons to climate change is usage of fossil fuels like gasoline. While burning they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Vegetation however bounds carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The largest and most important carbon sinks in Finland are the forests. 

The aim of the workshop is to get to know the measurement of trees and forests, and to get an idea of ​​how much carbon dioxide emissions from driving a single tree can bind.

The tree IDs to be defined are:

The students chose the trees themselves and measured the tree IDs in groups.

When the measurements are complete the results are calculated by Excel.

The sheet calculates following values:

Calculating the amount of carbon bound to wood.

The biomass of the tree components and amount of carbon dioxide can be calculated based on measured tree diameter (1), height (2) and height of the lowest living branch (3). The table below shows all the formulas with which to calculate the amount of carbon bound to pine, spruce and birch.

Google sheets for calculating the amount of carbon bound to wood.

Calculate the biomass of your own yard tree by chancing the numbers of the table below.

Carbon biomass