Design Infinity Student Club

We see and encounter designs everywhere and we often take inspirations from them too. Design incorporates infinite possibilities and variations. 

Designs can range from Ordinary to Magical and Simplest to Complex.


Design Infinity Student Club (DISC) is a platform created to show the young minds a different viewpoint of looking at things and objects.

The focus of the club is to make students learn to look at things from the perspective of their Designs. As engineers, we study different theories, fundamentals and their applications from a technical perspective. But, the best of applications and devices are more than the collection of components and application of different fundamentals.

Apart from learning about design, the club also imparts skills that would allow the students to make a career in designing. This is a club where students get a chance to unlock a number of possibilities to excel in their career and build a brighter future in designing and shaping things that are ready for the future. 

Some of the chances might be related to career’s excellence and some are to enhance creativity. Students will also become a part of a network focused towards designing.

The club also envisions to advance our department’s young minds into better and creatively excelled ones.