Where Are They Now?
Dr. Cortney Wheeler, PhD
1) What is your name? (Including any extra letters after it now!)
Dr. Cortney Wheeler, PhD
2) What year did you graduate from Reston School?
3) What are you doing now?
I am a Research Scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Manitoba. I research the ecology and biology of Arctic cetaceans such as narwhal and beluga whales.
4) Where did you attend post secondary? Graduate school? For how long? Info on your degrees?
I attended Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia from 2003-2007 where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. I then attended St. Fracis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, from 2007-2009 where I received a Master of Science (MSc). From 2010-2015 I attended the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba and received a Doctor of Philosophy in the Biological Sciences Department.
5) What is your best memory from Reston School?
So many memories, but my funniest memory is Mrs. Winkless coming to the door of Mr. Brockman's Physics class and asking for me. Mr. Brockman, obviously annoyed, asked "could this not wait?" and Mrs. Winkless responded, "well her dog is sitting here beside me in the hallway, so no, it cannot wait".
6) Who do you remember most from your school experience?
I remember all my close friends from school, most of whom I am still in touch with today. For teachers I particularly have Mr. and Mrs. Winkless, Mrs. Sanheim, and Mr. Brockman to thank for helping prepare me for some of those tough university courses.
7) How did Reston School prepare you for your future?
The teachers at Reston School prepared me by making sure I took the courses I needed for university, instead of just the courses to help me graduate. In particular, I remember sitting in Mr. Adams Accounting class, I had chosen this class over Mr. Brockman's Pre-Calculus course, and he asked me to leave. In the hallway we had a discussion about "just what exactly I thought I was thinking not taking pre-calculus when I wanted to go to university to get a science degree". Needless to say I begrudgingly joined Mr. Brockman's class and likely would have failed first year university calculus without it. The teachers always had my best interests in mind, even when I didn't necessarily see the bigger picture. Listen to your teachers!
Dr. Kayla Moore, PhD, CET, EP
1) What is your name? (Including any extra letters after it now!)
Kayla Renee Moore PhD, CET, EP (PhD - Doctor of Philosophy CET - Certified Engineering Technologist, EP - Environmental Professional. There used to be a BEnvSc in there, but the PhD replaces that.)
2) What year did you graduate from Reston School?
2006, but I don't feel as old as I thought I would 14 years later.
3) What are you doing now?
I work for the Assiniboine West Watershed District in Miniota, just finished my PhD, and am still editing my scientific journal publications. I'm also a Trustee for Fort La Bosse School Division. I live at Cherry Point at Oak Lake with my boyfriend and dog.
4) Where did you attend post secondary? Graduate school? For how long? Info on your degrees?
I did my Bachelor of Environmental Science at the University of Manitoba from 2006 - 2012. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I was in University1 my first year and Science my second year. The environmental science courses came naturally so I went in that direction. I spent about 2 years working coop jobs, including the Experimental Lakes Area and Chalk River Labs (a nuclear research site).
I did an exchange to Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia to finish things off in 2012. I would highly recommend an exchange if it’s an option.
My PhD, also at UofM, I did in an ‘accelerated’ program, meaning I first enrolled in the Master of Science program and then transferred. This took from 2014-2020, but I was paid (like a regular job) for a majority of that time. Normally a person would do a Master’s first, so I finally got my dream of ‘skipping a grade’. I transferred 2 courses from Flinders, took 6 in Winnipeg and 1 at Brandon University. The rest of the PhD work was research and paper writing, which I did from home at Cherry Point (Oak Lake Beach).
5) What is your best memory from Reston School?
We used to take turns buying boxes ice cream treats from the Schwann's truck in Applied Math. Mr. Brockman was usually pretty strict, but he really liked treats, so he let us. The other best topic to get out of a bit of work in that class was to bring up tapeworms.
6) Who do you remember most from your school experience?
Well, it's easy for the teachers to stand out, since they spend lots of time up at the front of the room talking. Some of them are long gone and some are still there, but it's amazing how long you carry their lesson with you. My friends are still my friends, so the memories didn't stop there.
7) How did Reston School prepare you for your future?
It’s funny the things that have come in handy. You go from an environment where you know everyone to one you know no one. Small connections become important, like knowing people from other schools you played volleyball or reach for the top against. I always found sports a great way to meet people, so going to a small school where you are able to join every team means you can also play those intramurals at University. Also being used to talking to your teachers leads right into being able to ask your profs for help when you need it. My first English paper in University I got a D and my prof bumped it up to a C just for going to see her, then we met almost weekly through the rest of the course, and I finished with an A.
I’d say being smart is sort of helpful, but being able to make connections with people is much more helpful.
I also once used the equation for solving a quadratic equation....
Mr. Travis Barre
1) What is your name? (Including any extra letters after it now!)
Travis M. Barre
2) What year did you graduate from Reston School?
Class of '88!
3) What are you doing now?
I have been a school teacher in the Louis Riel School Division for the last 25 years. I also work as a musician. I sing and play guitar. I have been performing professionally for nearly 30 years.
4) Where did you attend post-secondary? Graduate school? For how long? Info on your degrees?
I graduated from University of Manitoba in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in Education.
5) What is your best memory from Reston School?
One June day, the school got shut down because the temperature had risen to a level considered dangerous. We were told to go home or somewhere that had air conditioning. We all went straight to Oak Lake Beach and had the best day ever.
6) Who do you remember most from your school experience?
I have so many fond memories of not only my friends and classmates but also the staff. One that stands out in my memory is Mrs. Diane McFadzen. She was such a dedicated, emotionally invested educator. In the years since becoming a teacher myself, I have come to realize how hard she worked and how much she cared about her students. Sadly, she passed away before I had an opportunity to thank her for all she did.
7) How did Reston School prepare you for your future?
I have great memories of Mr. Adam's typing class. I use the skills he taught me every single day.
DR. Brady ANderson
1) What is your full name?
Dr Brady Anderson Bsc. Bsc Med. MD. FRCPC Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology
2) What year did you graduate from Reston School?
3) What are you doing now?
I'm practicing medical oncology at Cancercare Manitoba. I will soon be relocating to Westman Cancer Center in Brandon, I'll be the first medical oncologist to practice outside of Winnipeg.
4) Where did you attend post secondary? Graduate School? And for how long?
Undergrad at University of Manitoba. Med School at University of Manitoba and Residency and Fellowship at University of Manitoba.
5) What is your best memory from Reston School?
The Travel Club in Grade 12 which went to Europe with Mr. Schiltroth. We went to Paris and London on that trip and made a lot of fun memories with our small group.
6) Who do you remember most from your school experience?
Mr. Brockman and his math class. He used to throw erasers at us when we got answers wrong! We also enjoyed taking his stash of computer cards.
7) How did Reston School prepare you for your future?
Although the class selection may not be that of the urban areas in the province, the smaller class sizes allowed me to have more quality learning opportunities with my teachers and mentors It taught me the skills I'd need to be able to succeed in my extensive post secondary endeavors to become a physician.
Dr. Trevelynn Henuset
1) What is your full name?
"Dr. Trevelynn Henuset Dc BA BSC"
2) What year did you graduate from Reston School?
"1988, no cell phones for kids then...not even pagers, do you know what a pager is? We used to communicate by passing notes, like actual paper...ancient times.
3) What are you doing now?
"I currently live in Venice, California, where I have a concierge wellness practice. We also have an office in Las Vegas."
4) Where did you attend post-secondary? Graduate School? For how long? Info on your degrees?
"The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Six years, BA. BSc. I also attended Life , West Chiropractic College, San Leandro, California for 4 years, DC, BSc."
5) What is your best memory from Reston School?
"Having such a small school, it was amazing to know everyone's name there, and socially having that interconnection regardless of grade. I made some lifelong friends that I still talk to quite often. This carried on into our sports program where we were very competitive and won quite a few divisions, which definitely helped develop a healthy competitive spirit and teamwork applications. There was always something exciting to do for such a small student body. I believe we had 17 students in my graduating class."
6) Who do you remember most from your school experience?
"I would say Mrs. McFadzen was a strong memory for me, along with Mrs. Pringle. They were both such caring teachers, always having the time to help. not only with school-related issues but also being there to support the many personal issues a student goes through. It wasn't a job for them, they cared. I also of course remember Mr. Adams. Mr. Workman. Mr. Kemkaran, and Mr. Brockman, sorry if I missed a few."
7) How did Reston School prepare you for your future?
'Looking back, I realized how fortunate I was to have such open access to the teachers and labs. The student-to-teacher ratio was phenomenal, and not something you would get in larger communities or cities. I remembered the tight sense of community, and passion for our futures, something the school did a great job at incubating."
8) Anything else you would like to add?
"I encourage people in your class to be taking advantage of this while they have it...life is very short, start manifesting your dreams today. They will happen in one version or another if you intently focus on them and then follow through with action. For me, it was 90% preparation and 10% perspiration! Don't forget to take chances, live largely. Sometimes you only got one shot, take a step into the unknown, it's invigorating and life-affirming."
"I also remember I could sneak out of those windows on the highway side of the school classrooms, and go to the creamy for fries... those were the good days!"