Grades HEAD START to 5th 

Mrs. Brenda Porter and Mr. Felix Santos

School Counselors


Students will be able to learn about the role of a school counselor and the services they provide to the students and the school community

*Intro/Role of a School Counselor (August)

Students will be able to understand the importance of being trusted

*Trustworthiness (September)

Students will understand the meaning of, kinds of, and ways to handle bullying at school and how to resolve conflicts with peers

*Anti-Bullying - Conflict Resolution (October)

Students will be able to understand the importance of having a career as an adult and how it will help others in the community

*Careers (November)

Students will be able to understand the importance of being respectful and responsible at school, home, and in the community

*Respectfulness & Responsibility (December)

Students will be able to understand the importance of fairness

*Fairness (January)

Students will be able to understand the importance of caring for self and others

*Caring (February)

Students will be able to understand the importance of citizenship and how it affects our communities

*Citizenship (March)

Students will be able to understand the importance of reflecting their thoughts about the school year and transitioning to the next grade level 

*Reflection and Transition (April/May)


Monthly Lesson Presentations

*Dear Students: Kindly view presentation below by clicking the play button. If you want to view manually, click on the forward button to go to next slide and so on. Also, for other viewing options like auto-play, go to settings button and choose your speed time between slides (recommended is 15 seconds or more). 

Thank You and be safe always.

Happy Learning GUIHAN!


Bounce Back With Guidance_2nd-5th.pdf
What Do School Counselors Do_HS-1.pdf




Anti-Bullying Lesson_2nd-5th Grade.pptx


Career Exploration (November 2022)


Respectful and Responsible (Decision - Making) Presentation.pptx.ppt


Fairness (Social Awareness) Presentation.ppx
Fairness (Social Awareness) Presentation.pptx