
Since I was little I have always loved fashion, art and photography. I dreamed of one day opening a clothing store. My ideal job was something I could support myself with, but something that might make a difference in the world.

As I became more and more aware of climate change I learned about its effects on Earth. Purchase by purchase we contribute to Earth's destruction. We make delibarate decisions, such as supporting fast-fashion companies, that impact the world everyday. The question is whether we will change our day to day choices and learn to make eco-friendly ones.

As I reflected more I asked myself:

what incorporates my love for the arts and my wish to do something impactful?

Some time ago, I came across the idea of upcycling and how I could put together outfits and pieces of clothing sustainably, using old clothes or used clothes to do so.

I drew inspiration from anything I saw that could be useful, from people and the diverse style of New York City, to the expanse of the internet, including: Pinterest, Depop, Youtube, and instagram.