How does race affect a neighborhood?

Every day, as I travel between my home neighborhood and my school's neighborhood, I am confronted with stark differences. These disparities are glaringly evident in various aspects such as sanitation, public amenities, and the variety of stores available.

Motivated by a desire to understand and expose the underlying dynamics shaping these discrepancies, I decided on an Independent Project. My mission was to delve into diverse neighborhoods, capturing through the lens of my camera how the racial composition of each area influences the allocation and magnitude of government funding.

The juxtapositions revealed through my photographs serve as poignant reminders of the systemic inequalities that persist. From the quality of infrastructure to the accessibility of essential services, the impact of racial demographics on neighborhood development is undeniable.

Compiling my findings and visual narratives into a comprehensive book, I aim to ignite awareness and conversation about this pressing crisis. This book is not just a collection of images but a call to action, distributed to individuals passionate about understanding and addressing social injustice. Through education and advocacy, we can strive towards a more equitable and inclusive society.