What does love mean to you?

Driving question:

How can I educate myself and the community on the emotion of love through film?


Two years ago my brother, had to do this project. For his project he decided to make a bunch of short films with people, creating different foods from there different cultures. The after they would sit down and eat the foods they created and talk about their cultures. I watched him make many of these and this inspired me to create something in film. 

Elevator pitch:

For my IP10 project, I am creating a documentary on the emotion of love, and how different people from around the city experience it. I have always questioned love, ever since I was little. I want to learn why love makes people crazy and what love means to people. I do not specifically want to focus on one aspect of love whether that be, romantic or platonic or even just loving the world around you. I want this project to be free and a learning opportunity for me and the viewers who would watch my project. As well as interviewing people, I also want to go around the city and take videos of my idea of love, through strangers or pretty views maybe even a man eating a sandwich, anything.