May 27-29, 2024
International Conference on Optimization: Challenges and Applications
A Conference in honor of Boris Mordukhovich's 75th birthday
"It has been realized over the years that optimization theory and its numerous applications play a crucial role in various fields of science and technology. Recent advances and challenges of optimization concern practical models arising, e.g., in data science, machine learning, imaging processes, nanotechnology, and environmental science among other areas of applications. Further progress in these areas of science and technology requires developing advanced optimization machinery, which is the major challenge for mathematicians, applied scientists, and practitioners."
Boris Mordukhovich
Boris Mordukhovich is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the Wayne State University. He has received numerous honors and awards, including AMS Fellow of the Inaugural Class, SIAM Fellow, and Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Alicante in 2009 (among other universities). He was the Founding Editor and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Set-Valued and Variational Anaysis and has served to the editorial board of the most influential journals in optimization and nonlinear analysis. His contributions to nonlinear analysis, optimization, and control theory have been crucial for the development of these research areas. Mordukhovich is the author of more than 500 publications and several fundamental books, which have found many applications in diverse areas, including mathematics, economics, computer science and engineering. As a tireless traveler, he counts with more than 150 coauthors around the world and has inspired and mentored many young mathematicians. The purpose of this conference is to celebrate his achievements and, at the same time, to share recent developments in optimization, variational analysis and optimal control with the aim of establishing new collaborations among the participants.
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