Silver Lake Elementary

Family Newsletter


Week of october 25 - 29

Campus Updates

Points from your Principal:

Our teachers have been working hard to meet with each one of you for parent conferences. Last year, we did our very best to communicate with each of you virtually or over the phone.

What an exciting thing to meet with you in person, whenever possible, to build connections and get to know your family.

Our students come from the best families, and know that the partnership we have with you is so beneficial for our community! I hope you have gotten some valuable information about how each of your children are performing, but also an opportunity to build relationships with our staff.

Nicole Whiteside

Silver Lake Elementary Principal

Update for Elementary Parents

I want to make you aware of a trend that we have seen at some of our elementary schools. Some of you may be familiar with the series “Squid Games,” which is a survival drama that airs on Netflix. The fictional show features adults playing children’s games and if they lose the game, the adult is killed. The show is rated TV-MA because "this program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17."

We have noticed at some of our elementary schools that students are playing “Squid Games” at recess, where if a student loses they lay on the ground pretending to be dead at recess to simulate the fictional series. We have also been informed that a version of “Squid Games” is in Roblox. While this gaming app and website is blocked on District devices, a student may access it if they turn off wi-fi and are on their own device.

I am sharing this information with you so that you can be aware of the trend and speak to your student if they are playing the game either at recess or online. If you have any questions, please contact our counselor.

Silver Lake Dads, consider joining our Dad's Club! Next meeting is Wednesday, October 27th at 7:00 p.m. Please see flyer below.

Nurse's Notes

Vision/Hearing Screenings

GCISD Screen team will be at Silver Lake Elementary School on October 26 and October 27. We will be screening all grade levels. Referrals will be sent out within the three following weeks.

Sign/Symptoms of COVID-19 per CDC/TEA Guidelines

  • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Cough

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Fatigue

  • Headache

  • Chills

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Shaking or exaggerated shivering

  • Significant muscle pain or ache

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea or vomiting

Please do not send a child to school on a campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms, been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or is test confirmed with COVID-19.

Please notify school nurse if any of the above occur.

Emergency Contacts

Please enter Silver Lake Elementary's clinic phone number into your mobile phone so you can be easily reached.

817-251-5758 Nurse Ashlyn

If you are unable to pick your child up in a timely fashion, please have a backup plan arranged. Your backup plan could be a nanny, friend, or neighbor. If you are needing someone else to pick up your student, please call the school to ensure the front desk has the name of the individual. They will need to show identification upon arrival. Please also make sure we have your most up to date work and cell phone numbers and notify the school if these should ever change. Please have several emergency contacts listed on your student's Skyward account.

Upcoming Events

  • Oct. 25 - 29 - Red Ribbon Week (see flyer for dress details)

  • Oct. 26 - 5th Grade Musical at Cannon Elementary Amphitheater - 5:30

  • Nov. 4 - Student Picture Makeup Day

  • Nov. 5 - Career Day

  • Nov. 8 - 12 Experience Design Week

  • Nov. 22 - 26 Thanksgiving Holidays

Grade Level Newsletters:

Counselor Corner

Please check out my website to learn more about what is happening with Silver Lake Guidance!

Ms. Davis's Website


Please consider joining PTA. This is great way to support the school.

The annual PTA Reflections Art program is back with a powerful new theme this year-I Will Change the World By... Students may submit their original creations in one or more categories including dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Entry forms can be obtained from Mrs. Alvarado and submissions are due to her room by Friday 11/05. Please note at least one person from the student's primary household must be a current PTA member. Please reach out to our Reflections chair Christy Harris at with any questions. Thank you for encouraging the expression of the Arts with your child!

Campus Procedures


Parents: If your student is dropped-off each morning by car, please remember to use the car drop-off stations in the back of the school. The line moves quickly. Due to safety concerns, we are going to monitor the front parking lot carefully. It is not a safe option to pull into the front parking lot and drop-off your student(s) in the bus area. That area is reserved exclusively for busses. The front entry doors are utilized for those who walk to school. If you drive your student to school, thank you for using the car line in the back of the building.

Technology Devices: Please make sure you are sending your student's technology devices (iPads or Chromebooks) fully charged and ready to use first thing each day. This will help our students and their teachers be ready for learning the minute the bell rings. We appreciate your help with this.

Information from Front Office

  • Transportation Changes Cutoff time is 2:00 p.m. Please call 817-251-5750. You may email the teacher in addition but you will need to call front office. Teachers may not be able to check email. Try to make sure your student knows before coming to school how they are getting home.

  • Early Student Pickup Cutoff is at 2:30. Please make all doctor and dental appointments before this time or after school is dismissed. This will ensure the end of day final instructions by teachers can be done without interruptions. If coming early to pick up your student, you must have a valid government issued ID that we can check through the cameras. Once we determine your identification we will escort students outside to you.

  • Dismissal signs are required for all student pick up. If you are walking to pick up your child, please hold the sign up so teacher can clearly identify you as the parent/guardian. If you are picking up by car, please use the back car line and have your dismissal sign where our staff can clearly see it. A pants hanger clipped to the sign hung from rearview mirror works great. Please leave the sign visible until your student is in your vehicle. This helps makes dismissal go smoothly and efficiently. If you are picking up your child and do not have a dismissal sign, we will ask that you park your car in the front parking lot and provide ID to the front office staff so that we may print you another sign. This is for the safety of all our students. If you need additional signs, please call the front office.

Tardies: Just a friendly reminder, students MUST be in their classrooms by 7:40 a.m. After 7:40 a.m students are considered tardy.

Tardy Procedures

  • Parents will park and walk the student(s) to the vestibule

  • Parents will sign in using our kiosks in the vestibule

    • Valid State issued I.D is required for check in

Chronic tardiness will result in a phone call from our Administrative team or Counselor.

Attendance Reminders:

  • If your student(s) will be absent for any reason, please email your student's teacher and campus Registrar, Elizabeth Steele @

  • All absences must be emailed. Phone notifications are no longer accepted. Failure to email an absence may result in an unexcused mark in attendance

COVID-19 & Attendance

  • Absences related to waiting on test results, quarantining, or self-quarantining, are all excused

  • If your child is NOT experiencing symptoms or tested negative BUT another family member in the house is sick/has COVID-19, these absences are excused, if you choose to keep your student home

  • Items left at Home : .If your child forgets their lunch at home, you may bring it up to the school and ring the doorbell. We will let you into the secured vestibule and you may place the lunch on the gray shelfs labeled by grade Please be sure the lunch is clearly labeled with students name. . Please help your student plan and get organized for school each day.

  • We strongly encourage all students are dropped off and picked up in the car line for student safety. Please work with your child on opening and closing their car door to assist with arrival and dismissal times.

Lunch Visitors

We will follow district guidelines when implementing lunch visitors. At this time we are at a High Level of transmission as indicated by Tarrant County Public Health. During this time we will be accepting lunch visitors by reservation. You may call the front office and ask for Sabrina Silva or Nilsa Hill at 817-251-5750. We will have a limited amount of spots available to be able to social distance and to ensure available space. Visitors will not be able to interact with anyone outside their family. Visitors/volunteers will complete a COVID screening questionnaire at the time of check-in to acknowledge self screening and demonstrate each person entering the building is free of COVID symptoms. We have 2 spots inside and 4 spots outside at our picnic area.

Upon arrival, you will need to use our intercom system and let the front office know you have a lunch reservation and please state if it's inside or outside. You will need to bring a valid state issued ID and use our visitor kiosks in the vestibule to obtain a visitors badge, then proceed to the front office. Please allow extra time before your scheduled time to get checked in. You will need to bring your own lunch as we will not be able to accommodate visitor lunches through our lunch lines at this time. You may bring lunch for your student or they may go through the line while you wait.

You will be meeting your child in our visitor area in front of the office. Since we have very limited seating we will be following the schedule below:

  • Mondays - Pre K, 1st, and 4th

  • Tuesdays - Kinder and 3rd

  • Wednesdays - 2nd and 5th

  • Thursdays - All grades while spots last

  • Fridays - All grades while spots last.

We will do our very best to accommodate your special circumstance if at all possible. We will make reservations on a first call first served and will do them a month in advance. If for some reason you are unable to come on your reserved date we would appreciate notice so another family might be able to use that time slot. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we work through this system.

As the year continues, we will monitor and adjust our procedures based on availability, space, and efficiency. We will be working out the "kinks" to this new system, but are so happy we will get to make this happen in some way for you and and your children! If you have any questions, please call the front office.

District Guidelines for your information


Update for Elementary Parents

I want to make you aware of a trend that we have seen at some of our elementary schools. Some of you may be familiar with the series “Squid Games,” which is a survival drama that airs on Netflix. The fictional show features adults playing children’s games and if they lose the game, the adult is killed. The show is rated TV-MA because "this program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17."

We have noticed at some of our elementary schools that students are playing “Squid Games” at recess, where if a student loses they lay on the ground pretending to be dead at recess to simulate the fictional series. We have also been informed that a version of “Squid Games” is in Roblox. While this gaming app and website is blocked on District devices, a student may access it if they turn off wi-fi and are on their own device.

I am sharing this information with you so that you can be aware of the trend and speak to your student if they are playing the game either at recess or online. If you have any questions, please contact our counselor.

Cafeteria Volunteers

The GCISD Nutrition Services Department is still looking for volunteers! Come get to know the students while serving them a nutritious lunch in the school cafeteria. You can volunteer at your child's school or any school in the district. You must be registered as a volunteer in the district, or get signed up as a volunteer today so you can join the amazing kitchen staff serving the students. Please see the flyer for details and a link to sign up!

GCISD College and Career Night

GCISD will host its annual College and Career Night on Tuesday, November 2, at 7 p.m. at Grapevine High School. All GCISD students and families are invited to this event that is organized by GHS and CHHS counselors and GoCenters. Over 120 universities, junior/community colleges, technical schools, military schools and military recruiters will be on hand to answer questions. There will also be an opportunity to ask FAFSA questions and complete the application. For more information, check out the flyer or contact your counselor.

GCISD Holiday Greeting Card Contest

All elementary, middle, and high school students are invited to submit original artwork for the cover of GCISD’s official holiday greeting card. This year’s theme is "A Season of Kindness.” Three student designs—one each from the elementary, middle, and high school levels—will be selected and sent out on behalf of the GCISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Robin Ryan.

The three students whose works are selected for the GCISD Holiday Greeting Card will receive $25 and recognition at the December meeting of the Board of Trustees. The selected artwork will be featured on the district’s website and used in district publicity.

Complete rules and guidelines can be found on this flyer.