GIS No-Homework Policy

At GIS, we believe that education is a collaborative effort between school and home, and we value the importance of fostering a balanced and holistic approach to learning. Our decision to adopt the No Homework Policy stems from extensive research and discussions with educators, parents, and students alike. This policy is designed to promote a healthy work-life balance, encourage active engagement in extracurricular activities, and allow students to explore their interests outside of the classroom.

We understand that this policy may raise questions and concerns, and we are committed to addressing them. While we have embarked on this No Homework Policy, as an IB school, GIS will still require students to participate in summative tasks. Summative projects are designed to promote studiousness and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, IB students are required to complete Service as Action, 5th grade will complete the exhibition, and 8th grade is required to complete the community project. Sometimes these projects will require students to work independently or in groups outside of school in order to complete them. Additionally, if students need more than the allotted instructional time to do classwork, they will be expected to complete their work independently at home. We encourage you to support your students with these tasks

Key aspects of our No Homework Policy:

Remember, the most important aspect is spending time together and enjoying each other's company. Choose activities that suit your family's interests and preferences, and be open to trying new things.

We are excited about the positive impact our No Homework Policy will have on our students' well-being and learning journey. By focusing on quality instruction, meaningful engagement, and balanced lifestyles, we are confident that we can provide an exceptional education that prepares our students for success. Enjoy your family time and remember our mission is to develop the whole child as a compassionate, life-long learner. Through inquiry, reflection and rigor, students will become globally aware and actively involved in their community and the world. 

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We look forward to embarking on this new chapter with you.


Mrs. Deep Dhillon
