
3rd Grade Expectations

At the GCC Virtual Academy we have a unique and flexible learning environment. Because of the shortened school day, it is vital that parents are active in their child's education on a daily basis. In the third grade we shift from learning how to read to reading to gain knowledge and we will learn many new concepts throughout the year. During our online class time, I will be teaching students new skills and they will continue to develop these skills during their independent work time. Learning a new skill takes much practice, just like learning how to ride a bike! For your child's success, I ask for home parental support. Encourage your student by helping them with independent work, reinforcing new concepts, and reading with them at home. This will ensure that your child will not only learn but achieve much success with new learning skills for 3rd grade and for life. We are a team! In third grade expect about 2 hours of independent work each day.

My teaching philosophy

In our classroom we are a community of learners who encourage, love, and inspire one another. We all bring unique talents and passions to our class and together we will achieve greatness! It is my desire to create an environment where students feel safe and loved. We are a team and I strive to help every student reach their full potential. I promise to provide a safe environment where mistakes are celebrated (because that is how we learn). This year we will grow and learn together!