Physical Therapy

What is PT?

  • In the educational setting, physical therapy addresses the ability to move parts of the body, to assume and maintain postures, and organize movement into functional gross motor skills. Physical therapists work with students to build strength and endurance for functional mobility (e.g., climbing stairs, opening doors, moving about the school, carrying materials, accessing the playground, participating in field trips).

-Handbook of Occupational and Physical Therapy in Virginia Schools

  • Physical therapy is a "related service" to special education. This means that services must enhance or support educational goals as stated on the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). In the school system, the physical therapist assesses the student’s ability to participate in functional, educationally relevant activities required during the school day. The school environment is also assessed in order to determine if accommodations or adaptations are needed so that the student can be as successful as present ability level allows.

  • Physical therapists evaluate students, interpret results and develop a plan of care. They provide direct and indirect to services to students. They collaborate with other staff members, students and parents to insure that all students can access their educational curriculum.