Year 11

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) – Level 1

To complete NCEA Level 1 you need 80 credits from any level of the National Qualifications Framework, including 10 literacy credits and 10 numeracy credits.


Each student must choose SIX subjects.

Compulsory Courses at Year 11


Mathematics. See your current Mathematics teacher or Ms Smith (HOD) for advice.

Other Subjects at Year 11

As you enter the senior school, it is essential that you identify which courses/subjects carry through to Year 13/Level 3.

It is a good idea to work backwards from Year 13/Level 3 subjects in the expectation that you may need Level 3 to gain the necessary

qualifications for your career choice.

If you are considering university, you should choose subjects that will allow you to take at least four approved subjects in Level 3.

You should try to keep your subjects as broadly based as possible.

There are some subjects which you are allowed to start at Level 1.

If you wish to choose a subject for which you do not meet the entry requirements, consult the Dean.

A few students may select courses from more advanced levels with the approval of the HOD, the Dean and their parents.

Consult the Careers Department, your Dean, your Form Class Teacher and your subject teachers early in the subject-selection process
if you are unsure of what subjects you should be doing.


It is usual to limit the number of subjects which require a portfolio for final assessment at this level.