
Referencing – why use it?

The importance of referencing

TIP - when you search for information in  Discovery - you can find the Citation information by clicking on 'Cite' from the menu on the left - copy and paste the citation information into your assignment, or into a doc to save for later.

Every time you quote or refer to anyone else's words or ideas you must show who they are and where you found this information. This ensures that anyone reading your essay or assignment can easily find the research that you have referred to, and look directly at the source of information.

Harvard Referencing Guide 22-23.pdf

This handy guide gives detailed formats for citations, reference lists and bibliographies

Free referencing generators

You can easily generate references from a Discovery search using the Cite button and publications from our Library catalogue.

Neil's Toolbox is also a quick Harvard style reference generator.

Why not also consider using a free bibliography and citation generator like to help create your references and store them for later retrieval.

Bibliography – list of sources used for research

Why use a bibliography?

If you use sources in researching an assignment or project it is important that you list them at the end of your work.  This shows your tutor what kind of information you have looked at.

See How to Cite or for detailed information on Referencing (Citation and Bibliography) see the HE Study Skills Pack. 

There is software available for generating your references automatically in the required style.  For free referencing tools to collect and store your references, have a look at the links.