Frequently asked questions

What if I don’t have access to the internet or a suitable device to continue my work at home?

Inform your tutor as soon as you can so we can make any necessary arrangements to support you with your studies. These may include scheduling time for you to work in our LRCs or borrowing a college device. If you are unable to afford the equipment you need, you may be eligible for a bursary:

Full-time programmes: click here.

Part-time programmes: click here.

Tuition Fees

Can I suspend my studies so I don’t have to pay for the rest of the year?

If you choose to suspend your studies fee liability will apply as laid out in the College tuition fee policy.

Where a student decides to intercalate, their fees will be charged on the number of credits completed and achieved in-year; or if no credits have been achieved, the number of weeks of tuition received; with the balance payable when they return in the following year. Under normal circumstances we expect the student to return the following year, where this is not the case the student must make a formal request in writing to the college to have this period extended, before the start of the next academic year. Should a student decide not to return the remaining fee for the year of study they withdrew from will become payable. This balance will not be funded by the SLC and will therefore become a personal debt. Students who intercalate will not be able to re-enrol if they have any outstanding debts from previous years.

However, you will also need to consider the academic impact of such a decision and plan appropriately for how you return to study in the future, you should contact your course tutors to discuss before you make any decision regarding suspending your studies.

If I decide to just leave the course will I get my money back?

No, there are serious financial implications of withdrawing from your study. You should take advice from Student Finance England and the college finance team (sales.ledger@gbmc.ac.uk) on what happens if you stop studying, you should also talk to your course tutors – and keep up with the work as best you can so that you have the option to continue should you choose to take it.

I am a self-funding home student and cannot pay my fees due to a change in circumstances, what should I do?

Please email credit.control@gbmc.ac.uk to discuss your situation.