Digital Induction

This site is no longer used - please click here to go to the Digital Induction on the Student Landing Page

Let's get started! (Approx 15 mins)

Watch this presentation to find out how to login to our college systems for the first time whether you are in college or offsite.

Returning Students: Your password will be the same as last year. Contact or visit the LRC if you have forgotten your password

Useful Information for New Students

If your first sign in is on a college computer:

Set your first password. Turn on a college computer  (not Chromebook or mobile phone). At the login screen: Username = College ID (found on your badge), First password = passddmmyy (where ddmmyy is your date of birth NOT today‘s date). Create your own memorable password (twice). At least 8 characters; At least 1 Capital letter; At least 1 Lowercase letter; At least 1 number.

If your first sign in is not on a college computer:

Basic Instructions for setting first password


  • Click this link:

  • Use your College Email Address(*) and the password you set up at the start

(*) College email address = <student number>


The Digital Skills Classroom contains lots of:

  • Resources

  • Demonstrations

  • Tutorials

  • Interactive presentations

  • Knowledge checks

to help you learn the digital skills you will need while in college, and for your later, working life.


Google Apps Overview

Click the coloured icons to find out more

AccessibleGoogleGetting started.pdf


Google Meet and Chat - Student Guide
Student Guidance - Using Google Meet/Chat

Staying safe online (Approx 20-30 mins)

Now more than ever staying safe online is essential. In this e-safety section you will be asked to watch five videos and complete a short activity.

Tech-Ready Toolkit (Approx 15 mins)

How tech-ready are you for your studies and employment?

Complete this short questionnaire and unlock access to your tech starter toolkit.

When your answers are submitted at the end of this questionnaire your toolkit of information will automatically be sent to your college Gmail account.

Click on the link in the email and then go to the File menu and Add shortcut to my Drive

Etrackr and recording your progress

Watch this presentation to find out more about using eTrackr and how to record your progress

21/22 Student guide to eTrackr

Where you can find support

SLP LRC Services Available

Some services have been adjusted to support social distancing and safety measures

Each campus has a Library and Learning Resource Centre with staff available to support your use of our college systems, apps, software and library collection (including online).

Contact the Centre teams using the emails below for more information, book online support, request and renew books.

Click on the buttons underneath the images below to see inductions for each campus LRCs (you will need to login with your College Google account to see them, if you haven't done that yet go back to the step 1 above to find out how):

Brighton Central and East:

01273 667788 ext 733

There are a few ways you can do this depending on where your documents are kept