Welcome Back

Reminders for the Week

  • Field Trip- April we are planning a field trip to Raleigh more information to come.
  • Fundraiser-
  • Forms- Forms will be coming home tomorrow, Monday. You will find the packet with which you are already accustom. The new items this year will include enrollment in K12

Units of Study


Over the first three weeks of school we will setup our reading and writing workshops. During this time of the day, students will read from their own books focusing on the strategies developing during instruction that week. We will also meet in small groups to improve upon the skills most needed for each group.

For now, we will establish procedures for choosing appropriate books, increasing reading stamina, and reflecting on our independent reading.


Our first math topics are factors and multiples. This starts a review of multiplying and dividing two-digit numbers over the next several weeks. If any students have not mastered their multiplication facts, studying them is highly recommended. Not only do they make simple multiplication and division easier, but they will eliminate obstacles to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions which are coming up this year.


Tryon Elementary


School Website: www.gaston.k12.nc.us/tryon

School Phone: (704) 836-9107