
Swimming at Garsington CE Primary School

During terms 4, 5 and 6, pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 will have swimming lessons at the Barton Pool with a qualified swimming instructor.

Pupils will be collected at 10.30am and return to school at 12.45pm.

Swimming as part of the National Curriculum

Swimming is an important part of the National Curriculum. During key stage 2, pupils should be taught knowledge, skills and understanding through different areas of physical activity, one of which is swimming activities and water safety.

Pupils will be taught to:

• pace themselves in floating and swimming challenges related to speed, distance and personal survival;

• swim unaided for a sustained period of time over a distance of at least 25m;

• use recognised arm and leg actions, lying on their front and back;

• use a range of recognised strokes and personal survival skills (for example, front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, sculling, floating and surface diving).

Contribution to transport

We will meet the costs of the instructor but will need to request contributions from parents for the cost of transport 

What do children need on swimming days?

As well as a swimsuit/trunks and a towel children will need to wear a swimming hat. These can be purchased from the school office for £1. If children wish to wear goggles we will need explicit permission (see ParentMail). On swimming days your child will also need a packed lunch.