School times

Foundation Stage

Parents and pupils should arrive at school at 8.35 am. 

Doors to the Foundation Stage and Year 1 classrooms will be opened at 8.40 am and parents will hand over their children to the Foundation Stage. Parents are politely asked to leave promptly when the register is taken and the school day begins. 

Foundation Stage children don't have a morning break as they float between their classroom and their outdoor learning area during the whole day.

Lunchtime is between 12 noon and 1 pm. 

The school day ends at 3 pm.

Year 1- Year 6

Parents can drop their children at school from 8.35 am onwards when the playground will be supervised by staff. 

At 8.40 am, children line up in their class groups and teachers will lead them into their cloakrooms and classrooms. 

The register is taken at 8.40 am. 

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Year 3 children have their mid-morning break between 10.10 am to 10.25 am

Key Stage 2 pupils have their mid-morning break from 10.30 am to 10:45 am.

Lunchtime is from 12.15-1 pm. 

The school day ends at 3.10pm.           

Updated school day times from September 2024

As per the DFE statutory requirements, our school day will start at 8:40am and will finish at 15:10. Foundation Stage are exempt from this requirements. Therefore, their school day will remain as 08:40am to 3pm. A typical week will provide 32.5 hours.