Elementary Robotics

Arena Floor

Families curious about robotics are welcome to explore VEX IQ during STEAMposium through the Robotics Test Drive and Recycled Build Challenge and watch the two live robotics challenges below.

Robotics Test Drive

Multiple robots are available for families to navigate two tracks, a maze-like obstacle course, and the current 2023 VEX IQ Slapshot field. 

Recycled Build Challenge

Meet Sammy, the VEX IQ mini mascot! Recycle old robotics pieces to help Sammy in one of these three challenges.

Build an object that will protect Sammy from a robot crash.

Create a structure that can help Sammy stay dry in a rain and flood.

Develop a vehicle to take  Sammy and his friends on a 2 meter roadtrip.

Share out!

Join the STEAMposium Goosechase and share your amazing creations. 

Scan the code or select the app button below. Enter join code 5Z65DG and find the Recycled Build Challenge.

Live Robotics Tournaments

Recycled Robotics Challenge (Advanced)

This on-site challenge is open to teams that have competed in 3 or more tournaments.

STEAMposium Robotics Competition (Novice & Intermediate)

Teams with experience in two or fewer tournaments this year are invited to participate in the VexIQ STEAMposium Robotics Competition. Use the link below to sign up.

Coding Robots

Learn how to code using, Spheros, Dash, and Ozobots!