Outdoor Education

As students progress through Grades 2 to 5, we place them in varied situations for increasing lengths of time for Outdoor Education. We give them opportunities for personal and social development that are impossible to replicate in a classroom. In these new environments, the students are challenged to reveal their willingness to take risks, to show compassion to others, to show initiative and enterprise, skill and care, teamwork and leadership.

In Grade 5, students spend four days on an overseas adventure. This expedition is very exciting for the students. The experience is designed to allow a chance to extend their learning opportunities far beyond the classroom as students take on experiential challenges that build resilience, collaboration and leadership. It provides an avenue for them to explore the natural environment in a safe setting, learn from mistakes and develop perseverance. The camp is focused on adventure, enriched with team-building and team-bonding activities throughout. 

All our trips remain highlights in our student’s yearly reflections. They gain a wealth of experiences that they can use and develop throughout their lives. The Outdoor Education Programme is an integral part of their lives at UWCSEA.

This will take place in Term Two, and more information will be shared with the Grade 5 community closer to the time.

Learn more about specific Outdoor Education trips on the Expeditions and Trips page (log-in required).