Personal and Social Education

In K1, Personal and Social Education (PSE) is developed through a range of activities that occur inside and outside the classroom. K1 classes play games, talk about emotions, discuss situations and learn to build respect and cooperation. Teachers invite students to use role-play to help them learn skills of negotiation and perspective-taking. "Show and Tell" opportunities provide children with time to talk about themselves and to listen and learn about each other’s lives. In everyday situations, students learn how to navigate conflict, manage emotions and understand how friendship works.

Class "Circle Times" encourage the development of the class community by forming positive relationships. Teachers use these class meetings to create a safe and supportive classroom community that gives everyone the opportunity to be heard. This supports the PSE which is naturally embedded into the daily K1 programme.

Across the Primary School, we teach and hold all students accountable to the Primary School 5 Expectations. These expectations are consistent from K1 - G5 and provide students with a common language to support them both personally and socially. Families are encouraged to use this same language at home for consistency.