Our story

March 2020, COVID-19 put Singapore on lockdown. We didn’t want the months of quarantine to go to waste, so we wanted to take action and help the community. While researching the different problems in Singapore, we were contacted by ***, a hospice care in Singapore who were interested in our help. This was the start of our journey to help the senior citizens in Singapore.

Our very first work was when each individual made brownies and local food to distribute to the home. (Following COVID guidelines) Even though it was a one time event, it made us become passionate about the Elderly community. After weeks of research and brainstorming, we came up with a solution.

Our solution

  1. Monthly distribution of basic necessities

  2. Virtual interactive music concerts (Every other month)

We have partnered with Lion Befrienders Singapore and Carecorner Singapore to aid the seniors under their program. Through LB, we aim to aid 50 seniors, and 800 seniors through CCSG.

Alongside this, CCSG has invited us to hold monthly birthday parties for the seniors.

The distribution boxes will include:

  1. Mask

  2. Face Towel

  3. Fruits

  4. Vegetables

*We chose these products after talking to the seniors about their needs.

During each distribution, volunteers will have a 15 minutes befriending session with the seniors to catch up on what has been happening, and to report back to us about the senior’s physical and mental health.

Virtual Concert

Our team loves music. This made us want to create joy with it. We did a ‘test run’ where we travelled to several senior homes and performed for Singapore’s national day. The staff told us that the seniors were so happy and continued to hum for days after we left.

This sparked our idea to hold virtual music concerts. We collected several videos from volunteers and combined everything into one video. We hope these concerts can help the seniors build a sense of community amongst themselves.


We are targeting the United Nations Sustainable Goals for Development numbers one, two and three.

Goal 1: No Poverty

Provide lower-income communities who have no way to earn their own stable income access to basic necessities.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Helping people gain easier access to basic food necessities.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Brightening up the lives of the seniors through music, the opportunity to connect with new people and re-spark their joy with small gifts and cards made by young students from our school (UWCSEA - Dover).