Information for Employers

Preventing Radicalisation

What is Radicalisation?

The act or process of making a person support or be involved in extremist ideologies.

What is PREVENT?

PREVENT is a government strategy that aims to safeguard both people and communities from the threat of all types of extremism, radicalisation, and terrorism. It is also about

the promotion of British Values.

Extremism and radicalisation might include such groups as right-wing extremists and violent Islamist groups, along with many other causes. At the heart of PREVENT is the safeguarding of children and adults, in addition to providing early intervention to protect and divert people from being drawn into terrorist activity or exposed to extremist views.

Fundamental British Values include:

• Democracy

• The rule of law

• Individual liberty

• Mutual respect

• Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

What is CHANNEL?

Channel is a voluntary, confidential and early intervention programme that provides support to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism or extremism. The programme uses a multi-agency approach to protect vulnerable people by:

• identifying individuals at risk;

• assessing the nature and extent of the risk;

• developing the most appropriate support plan for the individual(s) concerned.

Key Terms

Extremism: Vocal or active opposition to Fundamental British Values such as democracy, the rule of law, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs Ideology: A set of beliefs

Terrorism: A violent action against people or property, designed to create fear and to advance a political, religious, or ideological cause

Radicalisation: The process by which a person comes to support extremism and terrorism

How do I report concerns?

• Contact our Safeguarding Team via email or by phone: or 01473 382438.

• Record what the learner has said, using their own words

• Sign and date the concern

Why do we need to be aware of PREVENT and extremism?

PREVENT is not just about extremism.

It is about promoting and teaching values such as tolerance and mutual respect.

Is Extremism really a risk in our area?

Extremism takes many forms, including political, misogynistic, and homophobic extremism. This will also include an intolerance of difference whether secular or religious, or could be based on gender, disability, race, or culture. Some of these may be a greater threat in some areas. Your local council and police will be able to advise you if you have specific questions or concerns.

PREVENT uses a range of measures to challenge extremism, including:

• Working with and supporting community groups and social enterprise projects who provide services and support to vulnerable people

• Working with faith groups and institutions, to assist them in providing support and guidance to people who may be vulnerable

• Supporting local schools and colleges, local industry, and partner agencies, through engagement, advice, and training

• Supporting people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist or extremist activity, through the Channel process.

What does this mean in practice?

At Suffolk New College, we incorporate these guidelines into both our Safeguarding procedures and our “Equality and Diversity” policies.

We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our learners. Every member of staff recognises that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility irrespective of the role they undertake or whether their role has direct contact or responsibility for learners or not.

Safeguarding against radicalisation and extremism is no different to safeguarding against any other vulnerability in today’s society. There is no place for the expression of extremist views of any kind in our college, whether from internal sources – learners, staff or governors, or external sources – the wider college community, external agencies or individuals.

We believe it is possible to intervene to protect people who are vulnerable. Early intervention is vital.

What can you do as an employer?

• As an employer, you may be the first to recognise changes in a learner's behaviour

• You have a responsibility to alert Suffolk New College to any concerns you might have regarding our learners, in relation to PREVENT

• Provide opportunities for employees to discuss their own concerns about extremism, events in the news, and Fundamental British Values

• Be alert to any changes in your employee’s behaviour that, in your professional opinion, give you cause for concern. There are often no obvious signs, however some common indicators are:

> Isolating themselves from family and friends, including spending an increasing amount of time online

> Spending increasing time in the company of other suspected extremists

> Changing their style of dress or personal appearance to accord with the group

> Day-to-day behaviour becoming increasingly centred on an extremist ideology, group or cause

> Loss of interest in other friends and activities not associated with the extremist ideology, group or cause

> Possession of materials or symbols associated with an extremist cause

> Attempts to recruit others to the group/cause

> Communications with others that suggests identification with a group, cause or ideology

> Using insulting to derogatory names for another group

> Increase in prejudice-related incidents committed by that person

There is no single way of identifying who is most vulnerable to radicalisation.
Factors that may have a bearing on someone becoming vulnerable are:

• Peer pressure or bullying, feeling badly treated by others or society

• Influence from other people or via the internet

• Crime, either against them or their involvement (e.g. hate crime, anti-social behaviour)

• Family tensions

• Low self-esteem or poor sense of self/identity

• Personal or political grievances

• Isolation, feeling lonely, wanting to "belong"

• Young people can be at greater risk as they become more independent, discovering more about their identity.

If you have any questions or concerns about PREVENT and what it means, please contact the Suffolk New College Safeguarding Team:

Phone: 01473 382738


The following external sources may also be useful for further information:

HM Government PREVENT guidance:

Let's Talk About It

Act Early

Act Early is a counter-Terrorism website launched to support an individual if

they are worried about a friend or family member - but it also highlights what

to look for and emphasises the importance of acting early.