Stratford Basketball

Stratford Basketball Culture Blueprint


If Vision begins in the mind, culture begins on the ground-Alan Stein Jr.

Culture is the collective values, beliefs, behaviors, and environment of a team, group, or organization.

Successful Teams Are Made Up of:

Self-aware, passionate, disciplined, coachable, and confident people

Led by People With:

Vision and Character who have built a strong culture that serves and empowers each individual  

5 Character Trait Blocks Website

A Stratford Tiger follows these 4 Core Values:

1. Be a great person 

2. Be a great teammate 

3. Work Hard Practice/Games ACE: Attitude Concentration Effort

4. Work hard academically ACE: Attitude Concentration Effort 

Basketball Hub (work in progress)

Basketball Hub Cheat Sheet

Head Coach:

Curt Schmidt

Junior Varsity 1 

Bill Knetter

Junior Varsity 2

Derek Austin

8th Grade Coach

Scott Bauman

7th Grade Coach

Travis Skroch