
Visit every month to check out a new writing challenge:

  • January: Imagine you are a snowflake falling to the earth. Write an imaginative narrative about your trip from the clouds. Then what happens when you hit land...?
  • February: Write a letter to a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while. Address an envelope and mail your letter to them.
  • March: Write a Limerick about one of your parents or a sibling. Remember Limericks can be silly and surprising.
  • April: Pretend you are a bee just waking up from your winter sleep. Write a short story about your search for the tastiest flower.
  • May: Write a poem about the Spring. Think about the emotions, sights, sounds, and activities you enjoy about this time of year.
  • June:
  • July:
  • August:
  • September: Write a letter to yourself. Tell yourself what you are most excited, nervous, happy about for the coming school year. Put you letter in a safe place and open it up on the last day of school!
  • October: Create a list of descriptive words to describe your perfect Halloween night. Link your words to create a concrete poem about this perfect event.
  • November: Write a Haiku about the Fall season. Add some illustrations to your final draft.
  • December: Write a persuasive letter to your parents. Convince them, with evidence and support, to get you that perfect gift this year.

Log in to your google account and share your writing with Ms. Edwards even from home!

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