head hunting

We are looking for staffs and students to work with (Updated in 2023/04) 

誠徵博士後研究人員一位 (主要工作為做研究與論文發表) 已滿

誠徵研究人員/工程師位 (主要工作為做計畫執行包括報告書撰寫 計畫進度掌控 業主包商溝通 現場工作等)

誠徵計時工作人員一位 (高度彈性可一周三天 每次4-5小時)(會計工作 文書工作 等庶務事項)

歡迎3-4位認同研究室的碩士學生加入. 研究室將提供良好的學習環境以及知識. 研究津貼將根據同學表現加級. 

歡迎1位認同研究室的博士學生加入. 研究室將提供良好的學習環境以及知識. 研究津貼將根據同學表現加級.

      Contact with me if you are interested in any vacancy on the list. 


LABZero研究室陸續努力建立打造下列環境 (updated 2023/05)

This Laboratory is dedicated to shaping a safe future against nature disaster for the society

This Laboratory explores innovative solutions to protect societal assets.

We practice the fusion of academia and practicality to develop robust and resilient ground disaster prevention strategies.

In the Laboratory, you will participate in research- type practical projects and graduate as a ready-for-action professional.

With a guidance from international practitioner invited to the Lab., we cultivate innovative thinking.

Collaborating with industry leaders, we integrate theory and practice to solve practical problems.

Our research encompasses both theoretical and practical aspects, allowing you to deeply understand the core challenges of geotechnical disaster prevention.

We offer world- competitive and flexible funding to assist students, providing good support so you can focus on your research in a competitive level.

In our laboratory, you will collaborate with international research teams to create new breakthroughs in geotechnical disaster prevention. 

We provide an international platform for you to present your research achievements, participate in international conferences and exchanges, and broaden your professional horizons.





Announcements for the upcoming events 

Ground Meeting 

Feb. 15th 2023

March 15th 2023

April 19th 2023

May 10th 2023

June 21th 2023


The memories

The First Lab. Zero Party Ever

1 st Drinking Party 

In an Izakaya

The students 

In the temporary Lab. that we used for more than 1 year


The first class taught  in Taiwan Tech. Ended up with Pizza Party. 

Drinking Party 

The Grand Opening of the Lab. 

The Grand Opening of the Lab.

My First Home Students in Taiwan Tech. 

The Taiwain Tech.

Soil Mechanics Cartoon Book

We also do field works and research as serious as drinking party.