Museum Studies Core modules

Objects and Collections: Care, Management and Curation

Module code: MU7552

This module looks at objects and collections from a range of perspectives. The module will challenge you to think critically about the lives, contexts and values of objects, and the different ways in which we encounter and experience them. You'll begin with a critical examination of objects – their lives, contexts and the different ways in which we encounter and experience them.

You’ll then move onto examine the ways in which objects, collections and collecting have been influenced by changing ideas and approaches. This will develop your critical understanding of the principles and practice of collections management and care including how to handle, pack, and label objects, as well as preventative conservation and collections development. You'll also explore issues around culturally sensitive practice including ownership, rights, restitution and repatriation.

Topics covered

Objects and collections

Engaging with and experiencing objects

Culturally sensitive practice

Collections management

Collections care
