Unit 4

Arts Entrepreneurship

Unit 4 Arts Entrepreneurship

Unit Code: MU000680 | 20 credits

In Unit 4 Arts Entrepreneurship, you explore the ways in which creativity, innovation, problem solving and entrepreneurship intersect. It employs real-world examples to enable you to think about business model innovation, new markets, new experiences and services, new ways of communication and new organisational models.

Holistic assessment

Keep a blog documenting reflections and progress of research throughout the unit (formatively assessed).

Submit a 500-word report outlining how the student has contributed to the progress of their fellow students’ projects and acknowledging and reflecting on the contributions of others to their own project (summatively assessed).

Prepare the first part of a proposal for an art or cultural venture targeted at a specific audience. The proposal is not expected to cover the details of the project’s finance and implementation. Instead the focus should be on presenting a persuasive, compelling and vivid description of the concept and the need for it (summatively assessed). It should include:

  1. An artefact using appropriate media (text, brochure, web site, video or other agreed intervention) targeted to its audience and compellingly positioning the experience, product or service to test demand. For example, students could mock a video and text a pitch for a crowdfunding campaign.

  2. A 1,000-word report making the case for the project’s viability, including: a profile of the target audience, insights into their needs, aspirations and preferences; description of the gap identified and how the offering matches this gap. All of this should be backed up by evidence gathered as a result of field research and iteration throughout the unit.
