Grading Policies and Procedures

Each of my classes has a Google Sites and a Google Classroom page that can be found off the school’s web site. Students are expected to check these pages for information related to class. Some of the handouts given in class such as course procedures and outlines as well as some assignments will be found here. Students are expected to check their grades daily online. Homework help is available every day during resource time as well as before and after school (if I don’t have a meeting), or during lunch. You may also send me an email @

Acceptable Use Policy

Students will be using technology quite frequently, including the Google Chrome Books, and any inappropriate use of the computers/internet will result in the loss of privileges and/or other consequences determined by the district. Any and all technology used during class should be used for the sole purpose of classwork. It can and will be taken away if it is not.

Plagiarism/Cheating Policy

Any student who copies or uses the work of someone else will receive a zero for the assignment and will not be allowed to make the work up. Any student who knowingly gives answers to work or completes work for another student will also have their points taken away as well. It is VITAL that students turn in their own unique work. Plagiarism will be checked on all research papers, and randomly on course work.

6-12 Grading Scales

Letter grades reflect achievement and progress against specific learning targets as identified in the curriculum. The following common grading scale will be used:

98-100% A+ 93-97% A 92-90% A- (Advanced)

88-89% B+ 83-87% B 82-80% B- (Proficient)

78-79% C+ 73- 77% C 72-70% C- (Basic)

68-69% 63-67% D 62-60% D- (Limited)

0-59% F (Failing)


Formative Assessments

  1. Any missing formative assessments in the gradebook will be given a 0% once the due date is met.

  2. It is expected that all formative assessments are completed and turned in at the assigned due date however, you may turn them in late for grade without any late points taken off.

  3. You may retake your formative assessments earning a grade up to a 100% until due date is met or special consideration from teacher.

Summative Assessments

  1. Incomplete summative assessments will be left as an incomplete asterisk and must be completed within 10 school days of the quarter grade posting.

  2. Beyond the 10th school day after quarter grades have been posted, a zero will be given for the missing summative work and averaged into the final quarter grade after consultation with administration. This may or may not result in an F grade for the quarter depending on the other grades.

  3. The work in this class is tied to being done on time, there fore if it is not done on time it will be considered a retake if it is completed after the due date.

  4. You may retake your summative assessment earning a grade up to a 90%.

  5. If you fail your summative you must retake it until you score a 60% or higher.

  6. If you are 60% or higher you will be given the opportunity to retake summative assessments only ONCE. Professional judgement by the instructor may dictate a variation on this.

Student Score:

  • Below 60% = retake required

  • 60-89% = retake optional

  • 90% or above = no retake option

20% of Grade: Formative Assessments (included but not limited to):

· Weekly Time Sheets

· Weekly Questions/Assignments (Google Classroom)

80% of Grade: Summative Assessments (included but not limited to):

· Quarterly Time Sheets

· Semester Projects

· Mid-quarter evaluation after job starts

· Quarterly evaluations

Personal Responsibility: Social and Work Skills

These areas reflect the characteristics of learners who are motivated, respectful, hard-working and cooperative. They are essential for life-long learning and do not exist in isolation but should be an integral part of the school culture as demonstrated in daily interactions. The Grading Guidelines require Personal Responsibility Grades to be separate from academic grades due to the importance of communicating student growth in this area to students and parents.


*Respects others and property *Takes responsibility for own actions *Seeks positive solutions to problems *Practices self-control


*Organized and prepared for class *Follows directions and participates *Pays attention *Completes tasks--uses time wisely *Displays effort to produce quality work

Performance Levels

4 - Student’s work/social skills and behavior serve as a model for others and enhance the learning environment.

3 – Student’s work/social skills and behavior frequently enhance a positive learning environment.

2 – Student’s work/social skills and behavior intermittently interferes with or disrupts the learning environment (needs frequent reminders and redirection).

1 – Student’s work/social skills and behavior repeatedly disrupts or significantly distracts from the learning environment.