Welcome to 6th Grade Guidance!

Classroom Guidance Goals

  1. You are learning.

  2. You are enjoying learning- have fun!

  3. Respect each other.

  4. Have a good attitude and give your best effort.

Classroom Guidance Expectations

  1. Be on time.

  2. Have your materials ready. Bring Chromebooks (CHARGED) weekly.

  3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

  4. Listen to the speaker.

  5. Follow directions.

  6. Participate in discussions and activities.

  7. Be respectful of others.

  8. Have FUN!

Week 1: Working in Groups

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Identify behaviors involved in listening and respecting others’ ideas

  • Apply group communication skills

  • Define empathy

  • Apply empathy skills while identifying feelings

Week 2: Friends and Allies

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Apply empathy skills

  • Apply active listening skills

  • Identify ways to make friends and join groups

  • Define the term ally and identify when and how to be one

Week 3: Considering Perspectives

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Understand that people’s perspectives are based on their feelings, experiences, and needs or wants

  • Recognize the value in being able to consider another’s perspective

  • Apply perspective-taking skills

Week 4: Disagreeing respectively

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Apply perspective-taking skills

  • Distinguish between disrespectful and respectful disagreement

  • Identify and apply effective communication skills

  • Apply skills to give constructive feedback

Week 5: Recognizing bullying

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Recognize and define bullying

  • Understand how bullying can affect them and their peers

  • Empathize with individuals who are bullied

  • Understand what they can do if they or someone they know is bullied

Week 6: Bystanders

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Recognize and define the role of a bystander in bullying

  • Understand how a bystander can be a part of the problem or part of the solution

  • Apply empathic concern and perspective taking Identify ways to be part of the solution to bullying

Week 7: Emotions—Brain and Body

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Understand what happens to their brains and bodies when they experience strong emotions

  • Identify the first three Steps for Staying in Control

  • Understand why using self-talk is a key to managing emotions

  • Apply self-talk strategies

Week 8: Calming-Down Strategies

Objectives—Students Will Be Able To:

  • Apply centered breathing techniques correctly

  • Recognize self-talk that intensifies or calms down strong feelings

  • Use self-talk to manage emotions

  • Identify calming-down strategies that work best for them

Week 9: Review

Students will play a review game and develop social and emotional goals to work toward.

February: Internet safety

March: resilience

April: grit

May: mental health awareness