Contact Us
We invite all students and parents to seek assistance from our counseling office when they are in need of help. With confidentiality, and without judgement, our staff can offer assistance with social, emotional, behavioral or academic support.
We invite all students and parents to seek assistance from our counseling office when they are in need of help. With confidentiality, and without judgement, our staff can offer assistance with social, emotional, behavioral or academic support.
 Call us to make an appointment.
 Call us to make an appointment.
Mr. Albano
Mr. Albano
6th Grade Counselor
6th Grade Counselor
Call: 541-355-7221
Mr. Morrow
Mr. Morrow
7th Grade Counselor
7th Grade Counselor
Call: 541-355-7344
Ms. Bryant
Ms. Bryant
8th Grade Counselor
8th Grade Counselor
Call: 541-355-7341