3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

Supplementary Learning Opportunities

All 3rd-5th grade students in Bend-La Pine have been issued iPads. Though it is not common practice to send these devices home, in the event advance notice is given or a prolonged closure seem possible, these tools will be available for home use and be an important resource for continuity of instruction. Hard cover, traditional materials are also available for families who prefer or need to access learning in this way.

During site closures, it will be important that 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students work with a parent to check their gmail and other learning platforms used in class (such as Google Classroom and SeeSaw) for regular announcements and updates from their teachers about learning tasks and expectations. Teachers will also routinely communicate with parents via ParentVue emails. Families can also reference the "Tips for Success" page on this site, and reach out to their school with any questions or concerns.

Activities in addition to classwork from Teachers



Directions for accessing Wonders Reading Curriculum (Teachers will provide assignments for Wonders)

Sora - ebooks & audiobooks

Novel Effect - Read aloud with your favorite print books and the app follows along playing music, sound effects, and character voices.

Storyline Online


Deschutes Public Library

Vooks (listen to online storybooks)

Scholastic Learn at Home


Draw & Tell - app in Self Service. Create your own story.

Book Creator - app in Self Service. Create your own story.

Write to an Author


DreamBox -

  1. Go to Clever.com
  2. Choose "sign in as student" at top right corner
  3. Enter your child's school name
  4. Click "login with active directory"
  5. Enter username (firstlast no space). Children should have brought home password.

BedTime Math

Math Learning Center

Kahn Academy

The Science of Bread

STEM Activity Guide