List of publications

Papers in Research Journals

1. C.-Y. Chang and J. Yu, Algebraic relations among special zeta values in positive characteristic, Adv. Math. 216 (2007), 321-345.

2. C.-Y. Chang, A note on a refined version of Anderson-Brownawell-Papanikolas criterion, J. Number Theory 129 (2009), 729-738.

3. C.-Y. Chang, M. Papanikolas, D. Thakur and J. Yu, Algebraic independence of arithmetic gamma values and Carlitz zeta values, Adv. Math. 223 (2010),  1137-1154. 

4. C.-Y. Chang, M. Papanikolas and J. Yu, Geometric gamma values and zeta values in positive characteristic, Int. Math. Res. Notices 2010 (2010), 1432-1455.

5. C.-Y. Chang and M. Papanikolas, Algebraic relations among periods and logarithms of rank 2 Drinfeld modules, Amer. J. Math. 133 (2011), 359-391.

6. C.-Y Chang, M. Papanikolas and J. Yu, Frobenius difference equations and algebraic independence of zeta values in positive equal characteristic, Algebra & Number Theory 5 (2011), 111-129.

7. C.-Y. Chang, Transcendence of special values of quasi-modular forms, Forum Math. 24 (2012), 539-551.

8. C.-Y. Chang, Special values of Drinfeld modular forms and algebraic independence, Math. Ann. 352 (2012), 189-204.

9. C.-Y. Chang and M. Papanikolas, Algebraic independence of periods and logarithms of Drinfeld modules. With an appendix by B. Conrad, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (2012), 123-150.

10. C.-Y. Chang, On periods of the third kind for rank 2 Drinfeld modules, Math. Z. 274 (2013), 921-933.

11. C.-Y. Chang, Linear independence of monomials of multizeta values in positive characteristic, Compositio Math. 150 (2014), 1789-1808.

12. C.-Y. Chang, Linear relations among double zeta values in positive characteristic, Cambridge J. Math. 4 (2016), No. 3, 289-331.

13. C.-Y. Chang and Y. Mishiba, On finite Carlitz multiple polylogarithms, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 29 (2017),  1049-1058.  [Special Issue for David Goss]

14. C.-Y. Chang, A. El-Guindy and M. Papanikolas, Log-algebraic identities on Drinfeld modules and special L-values, J. London Math. Soc. 97 (2018), no. 2, 125-144.

15. C.-Y. Chang, M. Papanikolas and J. Yu, An effective criterion for Eulerian multizeta values in positive characteristic, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)21 (2019) , no. 2, 405-440.

16. C.-Y. Chang and Y. Mishiba, On multiple polylogarithms in characteristic p: v-adic vanishing versus ∞-adic Eulerianness,  Int. Math. Res. Notices. IMRN (2019), no. 3, 923-947.

17. C.-Y. Chang and Y. Mishiba, On a conjecture of Furusho over function fields, Inventiones mathematicae 223, 49-102 (2021).

18. C.-Y. Chang, N. Green and Y. Mishiba, Taylor coefficients of Anderson-Thakur series and explicit formulae, Math. Ann. 379, 1425-1474 (2021).

19. C.-Y. Chang, Y.-T. Chen and Y. Mishiba, Algebra structure of multiple zeta values in positive characteristic, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics Vol. 10, No. 4,743-783, 2022 .

20. W. D. Brownawell, C.-Y. Chang, M. A. Papanikolas and F.-T. Wei, Function field analogue of Shimura's conjecture on period symbols, submitted 2022 [arXiv].

21. C.-Y. Chang, Y.-T. Chen and Y. Mishiba, On Thakur's basis conjecture for multiple zeta values in positive characteristic, Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2023), Vol. 11:e26 1–32.


           Survey Papers in Conference Proceedings

1. C.-Y. Chang, On characteristic p multizeta values, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B51 (2014), 177-202. [pdf]

2. C.-Y. Chang, Frobenius difference equations and difference Galois groups, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep. EMS Publishing House, Berlin, 2020, 261–295. [pdf]

3. C.-Y. Chang, Periods, logarithms and multiple zeta values, International Press, Boston, MA, 2020, 159–181. [pdf]