活 動 相 關 / Activities

Q1請問沒有投稿可以參加當觀眾嗎? / Can I be a spectator if not submitting any works?

A1當然沒問題,請先填寫【2023 ICEI】繳費資訊&活動報名表單:https://forms.gle/U1QQCd71sLdXmfyf9,填寫完成約2-3個工作日即可收到繳費通知,請依繳費通知內所提時限內完成繳費。

Of course. Please fill in the payment and registration form first: https://forms.gle/U1QQCd71sLdXmfyf9. After completing filling in, you will receive a payment inform in 2-3 days. Please go pay fees by the deadline mentioned in the inform.

Q2想聽專題演講或參加某一場工作坊,是否需要費用? /  If I want to participate in only one lecture or activity, do I need to pay? 



If you are the presenter, please pay “presenter registration fee”. Fees of participating in all the activities are included inside of it, and you are welcomed to join in all the activities; if you are not the presenter, please pay “non-presenter registration fee”, and then you are welcomed to join in all the activities as well. 

註 冊 費 用 相 關 /  Registration Fee

Q1:投稿有需要先繳交註冊費嗎?  / Do I need to pay registration fee before submitting my work?


 No. After announce the notifications of acceptance and rejection, if your work is accepted, please pay registration fee by the deadline; if your work is rejected, you’re still welcomed to join in other activities! 

Q2我是論文發表者,共有5位作者,請問要由哪一位繳費? /  I’m the presenter of the essay, but 

there are 5 authors. Who needs to pay? 



Please pay fees in the name of presenter who will present the essay on the day of the seminar. 

Q3請問什麼是早鳥優惠? / What is “early-bird payment”? 



After your article is accepted, you can get a discount if you pay “presenter registration fee” during Nov. 8nd to November 15th. After that day, you need to pay the original price.

Please click http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/page.php?p=regist for more detailed notices about registration fees. 

Q4我是學生,請問需要繳交多少註冊費用? /  How much I need to pay if I’m a student? 



If you are the presenter, please pay “presenter registration fee (student price)”, and you need to fill in your school name when finalizing the manuscript. If you have graduated, please pay “presenter registration fee (normal price)”.

Please click http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/page.php?p=regist for more detailed notices about registration fee.

Q6若我不在台灣,請問我需要繳交多少註冊費用? / If I’m not in Taiwan, how much registration fee I 

need to pay? 



If you pay registration fee by adopting cross-border remittance. Please pay international fee in US dollars. 

Q6請問最晚哪時候需要繳費? / If you pay registration fee by adopting cross-border remittance. 

Please pay international fee in US dollars. 


The deadline is November 15th, 2022. Please finish paying fee by the day. 

Q7請問要如何繳費? 我可以用ATM轉帳或是到郵局(銀行)臨櫃匯款嗎? / How do I need to pay? Can I 

make a remittance at an ATM or at the counter? 

A7請先填寫【2023 ICEI】繳費資訊&活動報名表單https://forms.gle/U1QQCd71sLdXmfyf9填寫完成約2-3個工作日即可收到繳費通知,請依繳費通知內所提時限內完成繳費。


請注意! 沒有開放郵局或其他銀行臨櫃匯款。


Please fill in the 2023 ICEI Payment and Registration form: https://forms.gle/U1QQCd71sLdXmfyf9.  After you pay, we will send a payment confirmation to your e-mail in 2-3 workdays. Please finish paying by the deadline mentioned in the payment inform.

Paying methods: Remit at the ATM, remit at the counter (Only Taiwan Bank is admitted), and pay in the convenience stores.

Noted: You can’t remit at the counter of post offices and banks except Taiwan Bank.

Please click http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/page.php?p=regist for more details about registration fee and paying methods.

論 文 發 表 相 關 / Related to Essay Presentation

Q1:我可以選擇在哪一天發表嗎? / Can I choose the date to present my essay? 

A1:請依大會安排時間進行發表,可於填寫【2023 ICEI】繳費資訊&活動報名表單填寫您可能的參加日期。公告後恕不接受修改。

 Please present your essay at the date we appoint. You can tell us what dates you prefer when filling in the 2023 ICEI Payment and Registration form. You can’t alter after we make an announcement. 

Q2請問口頭發表/論文發表方式? / How to make an oral presentation/ present my essay? 


The notices will announced on our website, please click : http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/index.php .

Q3請問論文發表可以獲得研習時數嗎? / Can I get training hours certificated by the conference after 

the seminar? 


You can get training hours after presenting your essay, participating in the whole conference, completing sign up/ sign out, and waiting until we check after the seminar. 

Q4請問要如何獲得發表證明? /  How to get a presentation certification? 

A4 請依大會公告之發表場次及順序進行發表。 每篇文章需推派1名發表者進行發表,有發表之文章及於發表場次全程參與者,始能獲得大會所發給之發表證明。

Assign 1 presenter to do the presentation for each of the article. Only after presentation and participating in the presentation session can get the certification we offer. 

Q5口頭發表者請問要如何發表? / How to make an oral presentation? 


The notices will announced on our website, please click : http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/index.php. 

Q6我是論文發表者,當天臨時有事無法進行發表,請問可以改到其它場次發表嗎? / I’m the essay 

presenter. If I can’t make an presentation that day, can I present on the other day? 

A6不行喔! 請依大會安排時間進行發表,未於規定時間在線發表者,視同放棄發表,會後恕不發給發表證明。

No. Please deliver your speech at the assigned time, or it will be regarded as abandonment of your presentation. You won’t get the certification after the seminar. 

Q7錄取是否需要繳交全文? / Do I have to submit the whole article after my essay is admitted? 



No, only need to make an abstract and finalize the manuscript. For details about making an abstract and finalizing the manuscript, 

please click: http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/admin_manage_file.php. 

Q8若投稿時作者資料錯誤,請問要可以修正嗎? / Can I make a modification if I mistype my personal 

information when submitting my essay? 


If you mistype your personal information, please make a modification when finalizing the manuscript. 

Q9我投稿時發表類型為口頭發表,請問大會審查結果為什麼是海報發表? / I choose oral presentation 

when submitting my essay. Why I have to make a poster presentation after the results have been 


A9大會邀稿通知(http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/page.php?p=wanted)所提投稿注意事項:「9. 若您的投稿方式選擇口頭發表,經審查未達口頭發表標準,最後審查結果可能會是海報發表。」

According to notices of calling for papers http://icei.ce.nthu.edu.tw/page.php?p=wanted, “10. If you choose oral presentation as your presenting method but do not meet the standard after we check, you would be changed to poster presentation. 

研 習 時 數 相 關 / Training / Study Hours

Q1參加大會活動是否核發研習時數?/ Will I get training hour after participating in activities? 



For those who need study hours, please remember to sing up and stamp your study passport at the door when you leave at the end of each activity

Q2我是在職教師,請問要如何獲得研習時數? / How to get training hours if I am the teacher? 




Q3我是學校學生,請問要如何獲得研習時數? / How to get training hours if I am the student? 



For those who need study hours, please remember to sing up and stamp your study passport at the door when you leave at the end of each activity

Q4我是學校學生,同時也是在職教師,請問研習時數可以同時採認嗎? / I am both school teacher 

and student. Can I recognize my training hours both sides? 


No, you can only choose one side to recognize. 

Q5我只參加一場活動,是否有研習時數呢? / Can I get training hours if I only participate in one 




Q6若活動開始我晚到,或是早退,請問是否仍有研習時數? / If I come late or leave early, can I get  

training hours? 


No. According to the rules of the conference, you need to participate in the whole conference if you want training hours. Coming late, leaving early, or leaving in the middle of the seminar will not be accepted. 

投 稿 相 關 / Related to Essays Submission 

Q1:投稿有需要先繳交註冊費嗎? / Do I need to pay registration fee before submitting my work? 


No. We will announce the notifications of acceptance and rejection. If your work is accepted, please pay registration fee by the deadline; if your work is rejected, you’re still welcomed to join in other activities! 

Q2有需要提供全文嗎?錄取後需要再提供全文嗎? / Do I have to submit the whole article after my 

essay is admitted? 


No. You only need to make an abstract, even after you are admitted. 

Q3同一篇文章可以同時投中文和英文發表嗎? / Can I issue my article in both English and Chinese? 


 No. You can only choose one language to issue your article. 

Q4我投稿中文稿件,題目和內容有需要翻譯成英文嗎? / I submit my article in Chinese. Do I need to 

translate to English? 


No. If you choose to submit your article in Chinese, and you only need to write in Chinese. 

Q5請問規定投稿摘要字數,是上限嗎? / Is the word numbers demanded for the abstract the upper limit? 


Yes, it’s the upper limit. 

Q6不能在內容顯示作者資訊?那請問作者資料要寫在哪 ? / I can’t reveal my personal information in 

the article, where do I need to fill out my personal information then? 


We adopt anonymously check, so please do not reveal any personal information in the article. There will be a column for you to fill out your personal information when submitting your essay.  

Q7請問投稿壁報的作者不只一人,其中一位做發表即可嗎? / We adopt anonymously check, so 

please do not reveal any personal information in the article. There will be a column for you to fill out 

your personal information when submitting your essay. 


Yes, choose one person to register, pay registration fee and present.