【Day 1】11/13 (Fri.)

【Keynote Speech I 】9:00-10:10

Using Multi-modal Neuroimaging to Study Science of Learning

鍾子平 教授


【Keynote Speech II】13:30-14:30

Innovation through insights: How research and the real world inform each other in Psychology and Education.

Dr. CHEN Eva E (陳伊慈)

Science and Technology at Hong Kong University, China






A2:【Work Shop】Designing and Teaching CLIL Lessons in Elementary Classrooms

This workshop will first introduce the principles of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The presenters will then share their research projects, teaching mathematics in an elementary classroom, following CLIL principles. The presenters will discuss how to design a CLIL lesson with hand-on activities for third, fourth, and fifth graders. Sample activities will be provided. The presenters will demonstrate a short CLIL lesson, inviting a group of elementary students to join this session. The students have been in the CLIL project since they were third graders. Participants will observe the lesson and join the activities. A discussion session will then be provided. The activities in this workshop will include: introduction, teaching demonstration, observation, participation, and discussion.

【Day 2】11/14 (Sat.)


B1: 【論壇】性別教育論壇



B2: 【論壇】論素養導向的「益策」教學共創四贏:以1+x團的師培師、x團師、師與生為例



B3: 【工作坊】Mirco:bit物聯網工作坊


歡迎對STEAM教育有興趣、欲了解STEAM教育的課程設計發展之全國幼兒園、國小、國 中、高中之教師報名。

【Keynote Speech III】13:30-14:30

Meeting the Challenges of Our Time in Teacher Education: A Waldorf Perspective

Mr. Florian Osswald

Co-Leader of Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum, Switzerland